The Kyle wrecks your head thread

What the guard thinks he saw and what happened can be two different things.

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The Garda had the not inconsiderable advantage of not being so inebriated he didnā€™t know who he was.


I never said they were perjuring themselves. Perspective and hyperbole is a divil of a thing though. The Garda claimed he caught up with and captured Kyle Hayes. The likelihood of that happening is very slim. The Garda believes this to be the case. The reality is however that KH stopped running when he realised the GardaĆ­ were pursuing him (he already explained because of his profile that he wanted to get out of there, understandable). He willingly gave his name when approached then.

Bit of a different scenario to him legging it around the city with a freakishly fast Garda hunting him down and eventually catching him isnā€™t it?

If that is how accurately the Garda perceives things, I would think it paints the rest of his perspective on things in a, shall we say, sketchy light

Eddie Halvey at least wasnā€™t trying to kill anybody.

Kyle Hayes ran into a dead end and had no where to go so he had to stop running.

Nice try all the same.

OoooKk. So thats what you think happened. Based on what exactly?. Was Hayes sober? Iā€™d be pretty sure the garda was. Why would you discount the corroborating evidence of 2 gardai? Were there not other witnesses too? So everybody was wrong, except for drunk kyle the superman apparently. This has been presented to the courts as one of the most clear cut cases of gbh youā€™ll ever see. By multiple witnesses. I honestly dont see how you could possibly come to your conclusion logically. Itā€™s pure fantasy.


He said he stopped running because it ā€œwould have made myself look guilty.ā€
The court heard that his shoes, which were loose and not tied, likely fell off while he was running.

Kyle was parked up

The other witnesses just said they saw me at the scene. You lads supporting the Dundon McCarthy faction here is strange.

Anyway, as Balbec said, the Limerick Mafia will accept the decision of the court, whatever that may be. We are a civilised people.

He needs to be punished, missing the first few rounds of the league will hurt him and us, but a message needs to be sent out

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We need you to speak as if you are Kyle

ā€œI were onlah a taaanager at dā€™time bossā€¦ā€

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Are we counting the two Covid AIs now?


If Limerick go on to win Five Senior All-Ireland Hurling Championship titles in a row without Kyle Hayes, the reaction of the cabal of swing-and-a-miss merchants on here will elevate the joy to levels previously undefined.

What asterisks have we now?

*Without Finn
*Without Hannon
*Without Cian
*Without Richie
*Without Casey (M)
*Without Casey (P)

If we have to add *Without Kyle the bus will have to stop outside The Joy on the road home.

Free Kyle Hayes. :ronnyroar:

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Sure if/when he gets 3 years for GBH, the last two will be suspended and heā€™ll be out in 6 months tops. Fresh for the AI semis after Limerick saunter through Munster.

Wouldnā€™t that be amazing


The charity angle is always a good one despite loads of horrendous people doing charity work.

Will there be character statements involved if heā€™s convicted?

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If heā€™s out for the 10 thatā€™ll do us

Itā€™s equally likely that Kyle was already tired following previous exertions.

JP has maybe gone too far. Shane McGowan, Kissinger and Alistair Darling killed off on the same day to deflect from Kyle.

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I forgot Sticky Vickies passing yesterday.