The Kyle wrecks your head thread

Kyler is a liar, the thug tag will wear off.

The being a liar & conviction won’t.

He’s someone kiely can trust to play well at hurling.
The End.


Kiely did what PJ told him to do.

How do you know he’s a liar? Because you want him to be? :rofl:

You know next to nothing about the event but in typical Karen fashion you’re screaming your head off.

Did poor Kyle hurt you with that goal in 21?

JP McManus


Sweepy sweep sweep….


Mouse in the house……

Jesus lads are rattled this evening, Kyle is getting it, Kiely, now JP

This is the greatest proof yet of what Limerick winning has done to lads


Long may it continue.

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They’l be having a go at Willie O Dea and the rubberbandits next!

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The roar from the crowd when Kyle lifts Liam this year will be unreal . The seethe on here will be even greater.

Lads are frothing at the mouth already and it’s only January. Limerick have broken lads.


When Jim Bolger speaks you should listen. He’s one of the greatest Irish men alive.

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It will be off the charts. I think that is my favourite Limerick goal of all time.


9/1 for HOTY. Lump on it. Did Gillane no harm



Kyle, Kyle, Kyle

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Up the bomber Hayes

It was claimed a few years ago that Jim did more consecutive press-ups than Lee Chin. Most definitely one for the TNH thread but he’s meant to be in amazing shape for a man of his age. 50 press-ups first thing every morning.

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