The Live Dating Thread

I think we had a “dating” thread way back when but I request that @Il Bomber Destro[/USER], [USER=1533]@glasagusban and anyone else who’s on a date lets us know how the dates are progressing “in running”. You can update this thread when your lady has excused herself to do a shit in the restaurant toilet and you’re playing back the date so far in your heads. We’re here for advice and support, as ever. Best of luck, chaps.

I’m just popping out the door now. Keep @Il Bomber Destro and I in your thoughts and prayers please fellas.

Prayer said, mate.

While your here you may fill us in on your own romantic situation you have been very coy about it altogether

did you ever have or given thought to having an affair? so strike me as a man who’d be up to no good
do you think you’d be better off to do this carry on with a married woman or maybe take a more Paul Spector approach and go after in my case our 20 year old Ukranian nanny

He went on a date. He went on a date with a girl. What more do you need to know?

We do however need an update on barmy’s current situation

[QUOTE=“artfoley, post: 1053059, member: 179”]He went on a date. He went on a date with a girl. What more do you need to know?

We do however need an update on barmy’s current situation[/QUOTE]

No art he is doing a strong line I believe

[QUOTE=“mickee321, post: 1053049, member: 367”]dan,
did you ever have or given thought to having an affair? so strike me as a man who’d be up to no good
do you think you’d be better off to do this carry on with a married woman or maybe take a more Paul Spector approach and go after in my case our 20 year old Ukranian nanny[/QUOTE]

No different to any man I see plenty women every day I would like to hop off but no to answer your question I have never actively pursued it. No chance it is not worth it.

If you were going down that route there is one simple rule of thumb, find someone with at least as much to lose as you do. Ideally more

I got home safe everyone it’s ok.

I hope getting home safely wasn’t the high point of your night.

Did your date?

Did you pay Glas or was it 50/50

You didn’t get the jump first time pal? respect to her.

Report in the morning, lads.

Ok, I thought the date itself went very well, we met a common ground, there were no awkward silences, she looked tremendous. I walked her home but completely shat it (as to kiss her) when her eyes looked gazingly back at me. Kicked myself the whole way home, what’s the best remedy action? She noted the indecision, for sure, so should I text her tomorrow (reasoning what happened) or should I play it cool like it was no biggy? Our time schedules are fairly tight until Christmas.

Definitely avoid doing this. Don’t go falling over yourself explaining minor fuck-ups, you’ll either look like a complete obsessive or just a plain bottler. Imagine it, texting a girl explaining why you bottled kissing her. If it went well, you’ll be fine, just try and squeeze her in before Christmas (ba dum tiss)

are you suggesting that @glasagusban needs to pay for sex?
he always struck me as one of these weirdo type who’d pay the same hooker on a regular basis just to talk to her so he could tell people he had a girlfriend, he also suffers from premature ejaculation and is afraid to have sex as women have laughed at him in the past

fuck it sport what happened, happened, even the best players suffer from indecision from time to time.

Meet her again before Christmas even if schedules are tight, will show her you mad the effort. Bitches* loves that

*they are not fans of being called bitches.

@Blake[/USER] is on the money here… and no harm in her second guessing anyway, you don’t want to be one of these soppy fuckers like [USER=1533]@glasagusban and declaring your love after a peck on the lips. If you are gonna text just say how much you really enjoyed the night and hope to do it again soon- She’ll be confused and that’s the best way to have the hoors.

Thanks, pal.