The Local and European Elections 2019 Hub

Grace walked the walk. varadkars idea of maritime bravery is some cunt in the rnli towing a diesel guzzling, dolphin killing speedboat into howth harbour when her owner has had too many sherrys. Grace went out and bravely defied the world on the Rainbow Warrior. there is no left or right, nationalist or west brit, only Green or Planet Saboteur.


Will there be a “none of the above” option on the ballot paper?

busy night on the campaign trail yesterday evening. People seem to accept that the Paris Convention is the minimum standard we need to adhere to. Interesting chat with a householder about how he recycles some human waste product, there are some extremes we need to be mindful of that cross societies taboos. anyway thats Carrickhill done, need to do the rest of Portmarnock this evening.


The usual suspects trying to break up our party. We are united behind the green cause

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so you oppose the killing of the unborn foetus but will happily sit idly by as mother nature is slain? scumbag


Fair few of us gathering here tonight in Fairview if anyone wants to get the train out or cycle


Where do we stand on fracking? Is it OK if it’s muldoon land?

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Pissing into the wind mate.
Ireland produces 0.13% of global greenhouse emissions, the country could convert 100% to cycling and eating tofu and it would make no difference.
The Paris agreement is a joke, targets that make fuck all difference even if met, and the few countries who are meeting their goals are about the size of Ireland. Humanity is literally a herd of lemmings charging for the cliff. China which produces 30% of global emissions promised to stop increasing emissions by 2030, which is when their emissions peak if they do nothing. They were also caught lying about coal emissions, they are producing 17% more than they claimed, that 17% alone represents the entire emissions of Germany.
The bottom line is nobody is willing to sacrifice their standard of living, and the developing/underdeveloped world want the same standard of living as the first world. That’s 6 billion who want to join the 1 billion who are already destroying the planet.
There is really little hope, other than a pandemic that wipes out a large percentage of humanity.


Sorry, there is one hope, nuclear fusion. Will it be commercialized in time to make a difference is the question. This is where the money should be going rather than windmills.

Nuclear fusion and grass fed beef.

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I thought we were growing the beef inside in the lab from here on in

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The greens are a shower of useless cunts. Never done anything worthwhile. The women are smell bags then. Going around with hairy arses and I’d say their gees haven’t ever seen a razor. So off with ya

Not likely to happen anytime soon, current estimates are will cost $500 - 1000 a pound.

You should google before making sweeping statements

You’re right, current estimates are $363 - $2,400.

You my friend are a carbon emission


My beef replicates itself every 12 months. Let’s see when the bean burger manages that.

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Other than happier cows there is scant / mixed evidence that grass fed is better for the planet than grain fed. You have the carbon fixing you referenced but grain fed cows grow to maturity quicker so do less farting.