The Local and European Elections 2019 Hub

Grassland is a carbon sink.

Had a bumper night of election spots tonight.

I was in Donaghmede earlier when the Ben Gilroy van was circling the car park playing the Ben Gilroy Hurley stick video on the sides of the van at top volume.

Then I was East for my tea when who should pitch up only Jimmy Guerin

Then to cap it all I had a non election spot when I saw jailed tax evading doctor Bassam Naser out for a walk with the wife. Bassam must have been released.


It would be much better for the planet if there were no cows on it.

We had Cian Lynch call to our door this evening canvassing for his father.
The 2018 hurler of the year is a grade A canvasser.


Youā€™re sticking your beak in without knowledge of the facts, not fo the first time. If 5% of a cows diet is replaced with a seaweed pellet feed, it eliminates nearly all of their Methane emissions. This will be common practice in a few years.

Did you tell him that it should have been Mulcahy?


Are you hard of reading? The results so far suggest a ~50% reduction. It would be far better to ban dairy farming entirely, there is absolutely no need for humans to be consuming milk from another species, and it is the leading cause of unhealthy bacteria in the gut which leads to many modern diseases.

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Fuck off somewhere else with your Witch-hunt.

Did you ask Jimmy Guerin why he has one of the worst attendance records of all Fingal councillors by any chance?

I hope I can have one last massive barbecued t-bone before the planet dies. Rare obviouslyā€¦

how is Ming Flanagan going?

No I was tucking into a John Dory

How much Seaweed is available? Does massive harvesting of it cause run off effect elsewhere?

Great job on the animals.

Alot of the shoreline has been sold to Canadian pharma companies, so theyā€™ll clean up on selling it back to us in the form of pellets

Likely to be re-elected along with McGuinness and Carthy strangely enough. Iā€™m tipping Maria Walsh for the final seat ahead of Smith. The curiosity is where will Harkinā€™s first preferences go. Casey unlikely to trouble the final counts either.

What about saoirse?

Lovely comely girl with what are genuine concerns. Will poll well in the larger urban areas like Galway but thereā€™s little enough love for the sandal wearing woolly geansai crowd in the more rural area. The 3 established parties will hoover up the rural vote and Labour will receive a trouncing.
Iā€™d imagine youā€™re worn out canvassingā€¦


He is. He has the fingers tapped off himself sure.



Labour are quislings

Hopefully this is it for them