The Local and European Elections 2019 Hub

Sheā€™s Peadarā€™s sister, nothing more.

If he canā€™t get a candidate elected in his home town then heā€™s better off going back to his old careerā€¦

And fuck them up like they did with the Stickies.

No, but I hate hypocritical cunts like Cuffe. I forgot to mention that he was part of the government that sold the Corrib gas fields to those well known eco warriors Shell. The same government who then allowed the guards to batter the people who protested against the pipeline.

The Greens are basically blushirts on bicycles with questionable personal hygeine.

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whats Trevor Sargeant and John Gormely at these days?

Sargent is a man of the cloth now

The protestors? A few freaks and some tree huggers from dublin, hated by locals who fully backed the project. And the guards were supposed to stand by while workers were attacked by dolers? You simpleton. I suppose you think the water protestors were heroes too


Poppycock but Iā€™m not surprised by this. The centre right knee jerk reaction will continue for some time

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No idea. Iā€™m in the south of France. The kids are just in bed and Iā€™m trying to get election results. Can you tell me the answer? Also, can you tell me if they had any prior to today? Thanks.

Are the greens a traditionally west Brit party? I saw their supporters were by far the lowest in favour of a United Ireland in the exit poll

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Ryan signing the bank guarantee in 2009 is all you need to know about the ultra-capitalist Greensā€¦


Hope you are keeping well Chief!

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Mary Lou out!

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@Sidney, whatā€™s your latest read on the MEP counts in the 3 constituencies?

Heā€™s a prick but a particular type of one. If he loves the crusty lifestyle so much let him fuck off to the country to live where there is no Durt or Luas and the only bus if your lucky is a schoolbus, no Broadband, pathetic phone signal, RTE for TV and with one of those fucking turbines whirling away incessantly and inefficiently in the background. His cozy millionaire lifestyle wonā€™t be long in calling him back to D4. Cunt.

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Fuck tolerance. If the cunt canā€™t be arsed to actually do a bit of research into what he was voting for then he doesnā€™t deserve a vote. Its why the likes of the red haired bint from UL wants 16 year old children to vote, she knows they can be easily manipulated.

Ireland has the most extreme abortion laws in the world and the numbers have gone up. Cunts like Bernie are gloating. Sheā€™s a disgusting bint.

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The Green Party are ruining more lives than the Champions league final pairing


Two page profile of Cuffe in the Phoenix this week. That particular conflict of interest got a mention.

Holy fuck some of the weirdos on TFK.

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