The Local and European Elections 2019 Hub

Hi Lynn :raising_hand_man:

Poor form here bashing Daly. Claire has been a staunch activist for workers rights for years as chief pain in the hole in the airport union, on the frontline of women’s rights action for years and has done the state some service with all her work with whistleblowers alone. * More than most public reps manage in their career.

Boylan surfed into Europe on the populist SF wave and has done literally nothing of note in 5 years. Being all over getting votes and actually doing work are different.

*I don’t agree with Daly on everything at all.

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Being realistic most oirish MEPs achieve little . That isn’t attacking any of them personally . The dice is loaded against us . It is bloody lucrative though .

Fair enough, but Ming is constantly putting out videos of himself asking questions and making speeches in the EU. He raises issues that affect his local turfcunts. He even went as far as to outline the amount of meetings/contributions him and the other bogfilth NW candidates attend/make. McGuinness pops up on RTE and BBC all the time making (usually nonsensical ) contributions to debates.
I can’t think of any other MEPs from Ireland that actually do this. Actually highlight the work they do or even pretend to do. Crowley??? Kelly??? Carty is more interested in domestic politics.

“Poor form” for pointing out her blatant hypocrisy on the paying of tax. Yeah ok.

What relevance does her work as an airport trade union rep have to do with it??? Lynn did great work for the environment in here old job, so what…

In case you missed it by the by Lynn was all over the Pro Choice movement.

I’ll just say it’s curious how both Mick and Clare both want to go to Europe.

Both of whom are basically independents by the way and don’t have party machines and am organisation requesting them to go to Europe. The Dail is where things happen as we all know. Europe is for political parties to not lose momentum during the time between general elections and for people like Ming to ride off their short term profile a bit so they can stay in a parliament a bit longer.

Crowley was high profile enough until his illness.

Lynn is all over the news, would you get off it. McGuiness is all over the news because she is the most high profile Blueshirt in the Parliament as a Vice President and is trotted out by them as their rep.

Could anyone honestly say they could name the 11 MEP’s we have without looking. I can think of about 8 off the top of my head, but before this election cycle I’d have struggled to name 5 I’d say.

Ming & McGuinness spring to mind, and I would have known Crowley & Kelly mainly because they are in my constituency. I’d have maybe remembered one of the Shinners on a good day but after that I’d be struggling.

An poblacht maybe. To be fair the European Parliament gets fuck all coverage in the Irish news.

You’re a fucking mess here Pal.
Here’s the 2 points you make.

-Lynn Boylan has been an amazing MEP. She’s all over things. Lots of things.
-The EU parliament is for lazy wasters like Ming and Daly and Wallace trying to stretch their gravy train.

Square that circle for me you KoolAid dribbling loon.

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I see the stickies are in.

Lynn has a huge profile. Ibrahim Halawa, Water Charges, housing crisis, neutrality, abortion north and south…you name it. Because she is a Republican ppl don’t like her. Also natural bias towards the Dail.

How am I all over the place?

I said the place to be is the Dail, which it is. But you don’t have much choice when your party makes a request of you. She did unreal to be elected top in 2014 with little previous profile. She works tirelessly to bring attention to issues. No other politician made the same impact on Halawa. That’s despite the Euro Parliament being carried on the European report on RTÉ and not much else, where as the Dail is all over 6.1.

Are you naive or something, do you think Brian Hayes was actually happy to go to Europe? He was shunted there for party political reasons. Joe Higgins went as a consolation prize.

As I said it is very curious that both Clare and Mick both want to go to Europe. They are Independents with little to no party machine. It is likely their Dail seats will go elsewhere. That means Dail votes on austerity, water charges, the future of our nation etc go away. The reality is the main show is in the Dail, you go to the EU Parliament to build a profile, to retire, you’re asked to by your Party or you want to secured your political life for a few more years…

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Are you related to Lynn or do you just work for her?


Just call it as I see it bud.

Lads why do you honestly think Clare Daly and Mick Wallace want to be in Europe? Of their policies what can they advance there? Do you know how the EU Parliament actually works? It has no legislative initiative.

If you are serious about changing things and having power, don’t go into the EU Parliament. Maybe if you enjoy being apart of a club and getting to be the President like Pat Cox or whatever, otherwise you don’t want to be there. Let me ask you this, who had more power and influence from the Blueshirts in the last few years, Brian Hayes or Phil Hogan?

If Lynn Boylan can, she will run for the Dail.

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So you are saying Lynn is basically doing nothing over in Europe? Fair enough

Because you denigrate Daly for Europe but champion Boylan for it.
You say Daly’s track record is shit but Boylan has none to speak of.
Ibrahim Halawa? Fuck off. I want more from my politicians than populist trophy work.

Here’s your list. Daly shits all over Boylan on abortion and housing and water charges. Sure SF were for water charges. The rest is fluff. This all started because I said people would choose Daly over Boylan in a straight shoot out*. You got your knickers in a twist and decided to attack Daly. Daly’s work in the Dail has been brilliant. Boylan has never had to do anything yet.
Your weird SF paranoia that people don’t like her is a bit nuts.

Again, why do you want Clare Daly in there? Why do you think both Mick and Clare want in there when there is no say there on things like welfare???

Join the dots

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Why do you want Lynn in there?

I am making a clear point.

What does Clare Daly and Mick Wallace think they can achieve in Europe that will impact the working class communities they claim to rep?

Do you know how the EU works?

I freely admit the limitations of the EU Parliament, you can’t articulate what can actually be achieved there. I freely admit that Lynn is playing a party political role there, she would certainly like to be in the Dail.

Why do you think the two of them both want to go to Europe? No serious politician actually wants to be there. Brian Hayes wouldn’t be buggering off to the private sector if he was a cabinet minister right now

So Lynn isn’t a serious politician? That’s harsh enough mate.