The Mac and Treatystones Beer Thread

Too sweet for me.

Balbec or the beer?

Balbec is bitter.

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As wormwood

Dunnes were out of the Fury but they had their Full Sail IPA and Bay Ale red…4 for 10 Notes… i’ll report back.

Both are grand tipples nothing special though

Have i been stitched up, mate? Sold a pup? Done up like a kipper?

Not as badly as you stitched up @iron_mike and left him with a ticket. How many posters is that you’ve done it to now ?


Not really. That ticket was gone about a half hour after I posted

Je suis Colette

Collete can fuck off. This ticket has gone to a good Limerick home


Great news. Hopefully i’m back from hospital in time for throw in.


It’s a cunt of a road


They’re grand.

Treaty City ales are probably the best i’ve had. I must pick up a rake of them when i#m up for the Munster final.

Don’t mind that gowl @anon61956325 Mike.
He’ll be singing with Sombrero Cyril tomorrow wearing a new Cark jersey that princess bought him.

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5 of these guys and i’ve a nice buzz going… only spotted now that they are 5.8% … another couple of these and i’ll be out the door marching to Ennis.

So you bought 4 and drank 5. You’ll be marching sooner than you think

No, mate… I bought 8. It’s 4 for 10 notes.

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About as gay as it gets