The Magic of the 2017 FA Cup

Not in years, I have no more than a passing interest, what’s your point??

Your players keep on going to ground when Chelsea are breaking in on goal and getting nowhere near the ball and you’re cribbing about it. Maybe your side should stay on the feet rather than taking the easy option.

Getting nippy. Leg breaker on the way.

Don’t be so snappy

What a goal. 2-2.

That’s a great goal, good game here again

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That’s a good point, I don’t disagree at all, still doesn’t change my point though.

Come on you Spurs.


Hon ta fuck

A sumptuous pass :clap:

Great tackle from Nate Dogg.

Sorry if you felt that way mate, I was wondering why you felt that was a relevant question?
You know I’d never be snappy with you. :hushed:

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The ref’s allowing a lot of physical contact in midfield. Plenty of hard tackles going in since half time. Wanyama is walking all over the Chelsea midfield like in the league game down the lane.

Kante bossing the midfield.

Dembele’s been really poor. Cheaply gave it away again there allowing Chelsea to break.

Had the cat down the vets gents, did I miss much?

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Costa and Hazard coming on.

It’s a proper cup tie.

Sounds like it chief.

My cat lost an eye in a fight, shocking stuff.

Son is a liability in that position, is Davies on the bench