The Magic of the 2017 FA Cup

he let himself, his friends and his family down

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He was dead right . The bookies tried to make a joke of him and I hope they get mugged off . The cunts should be stung more for these bets .


Poor fucker was in tears when they rang him to sack him…

Think he was in cahoots with the bookies, mate.

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Wankers, he was brushing the field before hand (astro) and washing down the dugouts and everything. If the man wanted a pie after all that it’s the least he deserved. They want to take all the joy out of football.

He waited until the 3 subs were used and all. He slept on a couch (fair couch btw) for parts of the week to help them out with the maintenance and running of the grounds. What harm a bit of crack, even if he was in cahoots?

Exactly, if the chap made a few quid for himself at the cost of no one then fair play to him, who gives a fuck? It’s not like he rigged a match result, or cost anyone betting on the game any money. The FA and the club, had no issue with the bookies sponsoring the whole ground for the game, so I don’t see how this is any different.

And to make matters worse he had his wallet emptied at the media day last week.

the disgusting fat bastard was in it with the bookies, and the thick Irish bastards on here can’t even see it

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So what? Who gives a fuck? The club was sponsored by the bookies too are they all getting sacked

that kind of unprofessionalisim is not tolerated here on the mainland, it might be back in ballybollix, filed under the so typically oirish “it was just a bit of craic” folder

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Reading the reaction to it in the English media would suggest differently


no one gives a shit what fake news thinks, he got his p45, thats the fact of the matter, in Ballydung he would have got a promotion

No League of Ireland team would have that specimen on its books. Maybe a junior team in lower reaches might .

Very interesting to see @Tassotti sticking the boot into his once beloved The Sun like a parent of a Hillsborough victim.

He’ll be calling for the abolition of the Royal family, next.

Correct. He demeaned the integrity of his sport.

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that is how those Asian betting syndicates start, targeting poor players and corrupting the game, these Oirish simpletons can’t see that

Not at all. Once someone mentions “putting one over on the bookies” they nearly piss their pants with excitement.

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When you say “poor players” do you mean financially or ability ? . Although I accept these are not mutually exclusive .

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