The Movies just released for download thread

Dogs doing human things to entertain kids.

I plan on watching this tonight

Let us know if he gets back with the wife. Or was that a different movie?

I will. I enjoyed the first two installments

Just read there that he has a new wife in this one. Aren’t the movies just great?

This one took it’s time getting out.

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Appropriate given how long it took to get to anything in the movie itself

Worth a look all the same, I presume?

Yeah, it is…probably went in with hopes too high. Not bad, just found it meandered aimlessly but worth the watch alright.

The much awaited…


A change from my normal movie posting style for J.Lo in Hustlers.

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Have you watched this yet? Looks like a Sunday afternoon job for me.

Haven’t seen it myself yet but looking forward to it. Just don’t expect another Goodfellas.

This is a slow burner seemingly. Which is all good with me

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Grand. A nice bottle of red so is in order Sunday afternoon.

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Phone off. Kids out.

Really really wanted to see it on the big screen to be honest where nobody could bother me. But I might have to watch it in 2 or 3 sittings now when ‘working from home’. Such is life :blush:

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@habanerocat. I see my iptv man has uploaded Gemini man. Have you had a chance to watch it?

No, I haven’t bothered to download it, and probably won’t. 12A and Science Fiction don’t mix with me.

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I like Will Smith. It’ll pass a couple of hours this evening. I’m all set for The Irishman after the dinner

You know that’s 3 1/2 hours long, don’t you?

It’s the biggest pile of scutter I’ve ever seen