The NBA Thread

Are you suggesting that fat slob can defend?

Reggie, the ould rogue :clap:
Ben Stiller :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Brunson’s foot injured, it’s over

Not yet - cracking contest so far

Brunson :clap: :clap: :clap:

Well deserved

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Reggie has a lofty opinion of himself

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The Knickerbockers just can’t seem to win outside of the MSG

A 14-2 run to the end of the first quarter has the Nuggets ahead. Edwards had started out like he was going to take the game over for Minnesota

Great end to the half, Minnesota comeback stopped in its tracks

Edwards doing all he can here, not getting much help with KAT having a 'mare from the field

Jokic in foul trouble, will be saved for emergency use now

Looks like the racist may have spoke too soon

We are the New York Knicks!


We want Boston!


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How did Jokic go last night?


It’s a great sport where a fatso like Jokic and an emaciated meth head like Holmgren can compete at the top level.

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