A place to list the shame, ignominy, infamy, failure, moral turpitude, criminality, deviousity and despicablity of tyrone, and also for @Cicero_Dandi to take on all comers.
An obvious place to start is the attempted poisoning of ciarraí
A place to list the shame, ignominy, infamy, failure, moral turpitude, criminality, deviousity and despicablity of tyrone, and also for @Cicero_Dandi to take on all comers.
An obvious place to start is the attempted poisoning of ciarraí
No tyrone man has ever won the Nobel Prize for Literature
No Derry literary figure has ever been made a Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur, France’s highest honour
A Tyrone literary figure has
Mickey mouse… John Montague?
Apparently if you send off 12 crisp packets you can get a Nobel prize these days
They don’t send out Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur awards wth crisp packets, or anything else
No-one in tyrone has ever heard of John Montague. An accidental tyrone man who was kicked out of the Clogher Valley for being too bohemian. His words, not those of anyone from tyrone- them lads think ‘bohemian’ is a breed of dog.
If they were giving out Nobel prizes for crisp packets you’d have a degree by now
Eamon Sweeney’s Road To Croker (2003) features an extensive interview with the man himself on his love for Gaelic football, and his love of his home place and his county team came across wonderfully
This interview was conducted just days before Tyrone’s savaging of Kerry in the 2003 All-Ireland semi-final
Ever since reading this book I have associated Tyrone’s magnificent victory that day with his poetry
I guess you could say that performance was poetry in motion
L/Derry people’s wounds that day must have been like the tasteless excuses for crisps you eat up there - ready salted
Perhaps John Montague’s greatest work is his concept collection based on that 2003 All-Ireland semi-final
Worthy of ten Nobel prizes by itself
Weirdo o clock
Their carryon in the U21 final against Tipperary
It’s always the same with the staters crying the victim when they were the one going on and trying to put Tyrone’s main man in the hospital. Tipp were absolute filth in that game and their conduct in the aftermath was disgraceful.
Those poor innocent Tipp lads.
See @glenshane, that’s how you get a response
Remind me again. Was 2003 the day when tyrone utilised dog shit, lime, spiked water or sexual assault?
Gavin Devlin walking on Colm Parkinson’s spine
That’s shocking, I didn’t think Parkinson had a spine
He was never the same after Gavin Devlin did that to him.
Robbing your teammates houses
Tiernan McCann’s hair
Tyrone have some lads on this forum hopping like popcorn