The north/really good looking fellas

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 991396, member: 332”]Which heaven? Protestant heaven or Catholic heaven?
Do they allow flags in heaven I wonder. Heaven is probably the kind of place where there are flags everywhere, but only the ones you want to see yourself.

Actually there is an invention idea for ye lads, digital flags that can show you the Union Jack or the Tricolour depending on your preference. Everyone would have to wear special glasses which would be set to your preference. Problem solved. Nobel prize winning idea that.[/QUOTE]
Ossy was a peacelover, he merely wanted to remove the flag that was causing offence.

And replace it with another flag which would cause offence.

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 991405, member: 180”]Ossy was a peacelover, he merely wanted to remove the flag that was causing offence.

And replace it with another flag which would cause offence.[/QUOTE]

He was so filled with hate he forgot he couldn’t swim…

Surely if the good lord wanted him to survive then the water would have separated for him? God has a greater purpose for Ossy, of that I have little doubt.

He drowned in a sea of hate. Somebody should have flagged the dangers of that pond to him.

[QUOTE=“Watch The Break, post: 991372, member: 260”]From Willie Frazer’s Facebook page:

Its with great sadness that I must inform you all of the tragic death of FAIR member Ossy Bradley who just a few hours ago was drowned whilst performing a selfless act of citizenship in Bessbrook. Ossy who worked tirelessly for victims in the area attempted to remove two Irish Tricolours from an Island in the towns pond and replace them with Union Jacks. The two Irish Tricolours had been reported and indeed they should have been removed but were not. Regrettably Ossy was then forced into taking matters into his own hands and tragically died as a consequence. A great friend of Mrs Lemon (Kingsmills massacre) Ossy was all to aware of how much hurt these foreign flags were causing and the IRAs message that they were delivering to the local unionist community. I at this time call for funding to be given to the IRA victims of that area who have no support group, no one who could have taken up such matters and seen them resolved. Tragically we now see the death of a man due to republican intimidation and the governments attempted “silencing” of IRA victims. As we have always said the victims will not be going away and we will not tolerate republican intimidation. FOOTNOTE, this evening the council sent men over in canoes and removed the tricolors. Safe in the arms of Jesus.[/QUOTE]
beyond parody

Was the daft bugger swimming to the island with the two union jacks ?

An idea - perhaps Willie and his boys could jump in to rescue those flags.

Seems he was mugged off by the Ra, mugged off good and proper.

[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 991396, member: 332”]Which heaven? Protestant heaven or Catholic heaven?
Do they allow flags in heaven I wonder. Heaven is probably the kind of place where there are flags everywhere, but only the ones you want to see yourself.

Actually there is an invention idea for ye lads, digital flags that can show you the Union Jack or the Tricolour depending on your preference. Everyone would have to wear special glasses which would be set to your preference. Problem solved. Nobel prize winning idea that.[/QUOTE]

They already exist. They are called “Google Glass”, once in widespread use you will only see what Google want you to see.

Orangemen are the new Blacks.

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 991257, member: 180”]I trust they’ll leave the flags flying there to honour his memory

[SIZE=6]New flag debate plea after Co Armagh drowning[/SIZE]

Tuesday 29 July 2014 08.30
Two Irish tricolours were hung from trees on the island in Bessbrook Pond
A man has drowned after he got into difficulties while swimming in a lake when he was believed to be trying to get to an island to remove two Irish tricolours hung there.

Oswald Bradley, 68, died when he got into difficulties while swimming in Bessbrook Pond in Co Armagh yesterday evening.

The raising of the flags in the village earlier this month caused community tensions and political parties from all sides, including Sinn Féin, called for their removal.

The incident played out at a time when politicians at Stormont remain at loggerheads on the outstanding peace process issues of flags, parades and the legacy of the past.

The drowning tragedy highlights the need to finally deal with the issue of flags at Stormont, an Assembly member has claimed.

The latest bid to find consensus ended in disarray at the start of the month when unionists walked out of a cross-party talks initiative in protest at a decision to restrict a controversial Orange Order parade.

SDLP Assembly member Dominic Bradley said the drowning emphasised the need for action.

“It highlights the need to get back into talks on the past, flags and parades and to reach an agreement so events like yesterday are less likely to occur in the future,” said the Newry and Armagh representative.

Ulster Unionist MLA for the area Danny Kennedy said Mr Bradley’s death was a “real tragedy”.

“This is a very tragic outcome to controversies surrounding flags in this village,” he said.

“This is too high a price for any family and community to pay.”

The flags have now been taken down.

Police say they are not treating the incident as suspicious.[/QUOTE]
Oh fucking hell! :confused:

[QUOTE=“Watch The Break, post: 991372, member: 260”]From Willie Frazer’s Facebook page:

Its with great sadness that I must inform you all of the tragic death of FAIR member Ossy Bradley who just a few hours ago was drowned whilst performing a selfless act of citizenship in Bessbrook. Ossy who worked tirelessly for victims in the area attempted to remove two Irish Tricolours from an Island in the towns pond and replace them with Union Jacks. The two Irish Tricolours had been reported and indeed they should have been removed but were not. Regrettably Ossy was then forced into taking matters into his own hands and tragically died as a consequence. A great friend of Mrs Lemon (Kingsmills massacre) Ossy was all to aware of how much hurt these foreign flags were causing and the IRAs message that they were delivering to the local unionist community. I at this time call for funding to be given to the IRA victims of that area who have no support group, no one who could have taken up such matters and seen them resolved. Tragically we now see the death of a man due to republican intimidation and the governments attempted “silencing” of IRA victims. As we have always said the victims will not be going away and we will not tolerate republican intimidation. FOOTNOTE, this evening the council sent men over in canoes and removed the tricolors. Safe in the arms of Jesus.[/QUOTE]
Willie must be dangerously close to quote of the week here.

Mexico and Northern Ireland brawl - the Mexican running in to kick the NI player on the ground:rolleyes:

is it a Catholic Protestant thing or like the GAA are they just wired differently?

I reckon he was as black as the ace of spades.

I feel it’s rather unlikely that the bould Ossy was of the Romish persuasion.

On the subject of names up North it’s often the christian name that is the giveaway rather than the surname. Kennedy for instance is a name that crops up quite bit amongst themmuns.

Sammy Clingan is a notable outlier here. A name as black as they come but Sammy’s heart is most definitely green.

[QUOTE=“The Scouse Cafu, post: 992383, member: 2660”]I feel it’s rather unlikely that the bould Ossy was of the Romish persuasion.

On the subject of names up North it’s often the christian name that is the giveaway rather than the surname. Kennedy for instance is a name that crops up quite bit amongst themmuns.

Sammy Clingan is a notable outlier here. A name as black as they come but Sammy’s heart is most definitely green.[/QUOTE]

Lenny Murphy?


[QUOTE=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 1007474, member: 2533”]


God almighty, that fat little fuck-ma-lah doesn’t even realise how much of a spastic he looks. Fuckin cringeworthy.

If you use that phrase once more on these boards I’ll be sending an email asking you to be banned.

And I doubt there’d be too many in opposition.

[QUOTE=“Thrawneen, post: 1007503, member: 129”]If you use that phrase once more on these boards I’ll be sending an email asking you to be banned.

And I doubt there’d be too many in opposition.[/QUOTE]
Hear here.

[QUOTE=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 1007474, member: 2533”]


That’s fuckin awful!