The north/really good looking fellas

That’s quite a clamping:

“At no point does Doug Beattie MLA actually mention that the gun and bomb attack on the Rock Bar was conceived and carried out in its entirety by serving members of the RUC, that a police vehicle and radios were involved, that one of those responsible was actually on duty and that one of those involved took statements from survivors in the aftermath," he said.

"Only one officer received a custodial sentence with the others receiving suspended sentences from a trial judge who admitted that sentences would be ‘on a lower scale’ because these were police officers trying ‘to rid the land of pestilence’.

“He correctly points to the sacrifice made by many RUC officers and on this we have no disagreement.”


Beattie is a clampit. “a few bad apples… but but THE IRA”

I see these orange cunts organising “soldier f” meetings to protest. Twisted bunch of bigoted fuckers. I don’t want them down here if there’s ever a United Ireland.
Ship them off to the “mainland”.


"There is no doubt that during the course of the Troubles a very small number of police officers broke the law and disgraced the force. This is true of any profession – be it doctors, teachers, accountants or lawyers.


Did many doctors, teachers etc use their official positions to murder nationalists I wonder

Avery small number? FFS take a reality pill,the whures were up to their armpits in nationalist murder ,not a small few ,but a seriously goog lash of them, especially in mid Ulster

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Along with the judiciary, the udr, middle ground unionism, the british establishment etc
‘Sir’ Philip Ingram on today defending this shit. Pure scum.


Woman shot dead by the dissidents in Derry tonight. Stray bullet.

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Yep sad times return , ashamed to admit it but when I saw the age of the lady I was relieved it wasn’t one of mine,time for an end to this,maybe this will help towards that ,but her family are destroyed

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Word has it that it was staged rioting for the media ( doc)

Build a wall around the place.

Dan Breen will be smiling in his grave this morning

Another blow struck for oul’ Ireland


Stray as in it was meant to kill someone else?

When Varadkar and his minion slaves are making an issue of the border when there’s no need to, you create a vacuum for the crazies to inhabit. Rip to that lady and I hope the scum receive swift justice. I hope the rhetoric is toned down by the Irish government too over the effects a democratic vote in Britain will have on a non existent issue

Holy fuck that’s one of the maddest TFK posts in a long time.
It’s Varadkar’s fault this poor lady is dead from a stray dissident republican bullet because he has told people that a hard border might encourage violence.



Varadkar is playing with peoples lives

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All to impress his betters in Brussels. Paddy thinks he’s grown up when all he’s done is switch the cap doff further east

being homosexual, he is too emotive in his uttering, Ireland would be far better served with a charismatic and stable leader, I’m no blueshirt be even Coveney would be better than him


Tiger Roll?

Fits the bill on both counts

Also a bold statement about the strength of our economy