The north/really good looking fellas

Wait… @anon61878697 = Gerry Adams?

I never meant to hurt anyone


Wankers and murderers


Too simplistic.

These can’t govern! actually can’t even talk to each other yet hug at dinner…

I hope they said Grace before skulling the wine with dinner

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They should look at this flag before grabbing headlines with this one

God bless all in the occupied 6.

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God rest the murdered young lady.

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Leo, Michelle, Arlene should have stood together condemning these scumbags.

You’re not wanted north, south east or west. Republicans have committed to peace, you are just murderers ( not Liverpool fans)


They did

With the south? Fair play…

Stray in that it was not fired at the person it hit.

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a hand gun fired at an armoured Land Rover. Not a chance it was going to hit a cop and with local ppl standing around watching the “rioting” if it was going to hit someone it would have been some bystander and that’s what happened. The “New IRA” have again (recent car bomb eg) shown themselves to be not just dangerous but complete idiots. Doubly dangerous.


This imagery of S F steadfastly aligned with lgbt groups, gay marriage crowd or any other crowd standing with their hand out has brought serious doubt in my mind toward them.

SF seem to have lined up completely with identity politics and this makes me baulk. I have voted SF since Maurice Quinlivan came along but this conflict I have with their extreme left stance has left me in serious doubt whether to stay with them and remain a SF voter or cast my vote elsewhere.

I have feeling that there are other SF voters with the same problem I am faced with. There have never been any credible politicians on this island so it seems as a protest vote I vote SF. I fear an Ocasio Cortez type departure to the party I once respected. I forecast difficult times ahead for SF.


The only practical approach for SF is to combine with FF and form a credible center left party. There simply is no support in Ireland for extreme left wing politics, and there never has been. Irish people by and large are self sufficient and don’t need lunatics telling them what to believe.

There is plenty room for a SF/FF party to do well in Ireland given how Dublin-centric FG are.


Simpleton Yank thinks FF is “centre-left”. :smile:

I rest my case.

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That makes a little sense but I cannot see FF doing that. The level of arrogant pomposity with mainstream Irish mainstream political parties toward S F knows no bounds, and for that very reason S F have raised their vote in recent elections. We are a laughing stock nation when you consider what happened after the last election.

Do you understand what the word “form” means.

At this stage I am growing weary of exposing your utter bullshit, but carry on regardless.