The north/really good looking fellas

Peter Robinson has stepped aside as first minister.

Power Sharing on the verge of collapse.

@Bandage get your shovel.

bring down the assembly, don’t be the one to bring in welfare reforms,distract attention away from NAMA etc etc

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We never went away you know.

I’ll see about setting up some refugee camps in Lifford if I’ve got some spare time.

Nail on the head. The McGuigan murder is a thing of nothing, but came at an ideal time for Dirty Robinson.

DUP have been bounced into it a bit by the UUP too. The opposite of what Paisley used to do to Trimble.

That being said, I’m not sure how credible SF are on the whole thing saying they’ve no ties with the IRA etc but are absolutely sure it doesn’t exist any more. It’s kinda one or the other … That, and what would seem to be continued republican involvement in organised crime (and probably these killings)

Bobby Storey released unconditionally. His solicitor John Finucane said no evidence was put to him while he was in custody over the past two days.

Fine Gael has wilfully given the DUP this out by going down the IRA route. Clearly party strategists concluded that the best way to hurt Sinn Féin in the 26 counties ahead of the election is to talk incessantly about the IRA - what they did in the past, how some senior Sinn Féin members have been in the IRA and how the IRA is still active.

They were seemingly happy to risk collapsing the O6 assembly / government in the process and TSG has already covered why it suits Robinson and the DUP to run with it too. It’s so contrived and it’s terrible skulduggery really.

I’m more determined than ever to vote Sinn Féin in the election after this and I might even vote in all of my constituencies now instead of just some of them.


Enda will be collecting his pension by April as an ex Taoiseach.

Vote now and vote often. A commentary I heard suggested it was mainly a unionist power struggle. I can’t remember the detail.

Jamie Bryson, that mad little orange cunt, is putting Peter Robinson right in it at the moment regarding NAMA and that offshore account.


Fucking delighted that this cunt Robinson is being dragged through the dirt.


So it looks like Robinsons attempt to bury this story by bringing down the assembly has failed.
Horrible bastard.


Indeed. And as I said a few posts above, it’s pretty sickening that Fine Gael assisted him in his attempts too. Scumbags one and all. Thank goodness Sinn Féin are there to keep these malcontents in check and hold them to account.


Time for Sinn Fein to bring this farce to an end and pull out of government. I don’t see why they should have to deal with a corrupt party like the DUP.

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Enda Kenny’s response to whether they received the letter sounds a bit dubious. FG’s obsequiousness to big business would have you doubt whether they’d have made any objection

Takes a bit of pressure off Gerry allright

It’s about time that sanctimonious cunt Robinson had some pressure put on him and abomination of a party.

That is not what The Phoenix have to say on the matter and they despise the Blueshirts.

Kenny and the leadership deliberately said very little

How’s Iris’ toyboy’s café doing this weather?

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The (barely intelligible) chap who named names at the enquiry two days ago is clearly another loyalist oddball with an axe to grind. It would support the theory that this whole series of events is part of an internal unionist feud which SF have only a bit part in, if that.