The north/really good looking fellas

Early march apparently. I’d say it’ll be a whitewash, though arlenes improved manners makes me think she’s been brought to heel over something

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Have you read Sam McBride’s book on it? He went a bit light on Arlene & the DUP I thought. His main fire (pun intended) was aimed at the civil servants I thought. And at the end he took a swipe at the chicken people.

The DUP and FF have more than their hatred of SF in common it seems.


He toned down the DUP bashing in that book after Ian Óg asked him up the steps on a related matter.

What does this mean?

A few legal types would have had a payday

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Ah yes, that makes sense. All his queries to the DUP were met with basically a threat to sue him.

Paisley junior went nuts with him over his breaking of the Maldives holiday, set all of the dogs on him and his paper. He made vicious personal attacks on McBride from memory.

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Was it the Maldives or this

Although he did apologise

Or then there’s this

No, but McBride a d the inquiry steered well clear of the real story. A few spads will take the flack with arlene and the civil service getting a light rap touch.

Ah go on now, tell all :smile:

The rhi scheme was set up because balcas, in anticipation of a boom in wood chip, had invested hundreds of millions buying up forests, logs timber etc all over the uk. The boom didn’t come, arlene and various other senior dup members etc were shareholders and directors. She said she had no connection or involvement with them, she practically had an office there…


AH I remember some mention of Balcas but indeed it faded away!

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For the love of God,I ask you?

RHI inquiry finds no corruption. Seems the bulk of the blame falls on the Civil Servants.

Foster and SPADs, and DUP in general, won’t be damaged by this report

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A white wash.


To the surprise of no-one at all

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Direct rule, and watch Boris run the place into the ground…