The north/really good looking fellas

The cross of Christ be about me. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Safe enough boy

I wish I was.

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It’s fascinating watching the outrage from the lefty loons when a political leader fires someone. Lads who have no clue how an organization works, or more likely never worked in an organization. Trump could fire everyone in the federal government (executive branch) tomorrow and there’s nothing illegal about it. In fact the biggest mistake he made when he got elected was not marching the entire White House staff out the door, as most of them were Obama appointees and many of them hate him and were waiting for a chance to try and shaft him (Col Vindman for example).

Every US president brings in their own people, Clinton brought in the Arkansas mob and Obama the Chicago mafia. The problem with Trump is he had no people to bring in, unless he brought in the illegal Mexicans working in Mar-a-Lago.

This is a cracker

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Wright bus on BBCni.
Some right headcases up here in fairness. ‘Deuteronomy’ should never be said in a ballymena accent.

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Missed that. What was that about?

Public money being pumped into wrightbus, mr Wright then pumps company money into his church and to other directors who happen to be siblings…as share dividends of a company that’s millions in debt

Or Dungiven sir

You wouldn’t see the free state at that. We wait til it goes bust, give the owners 5m for running it in to the ground and take on their debt for good measure.

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:astonished: well not really. Was it a Spotlight programme or something? Must see if it’s on catchup

Some stuff surfacing about the invest ni guy…nephew of paisley. Arlene gave him 36k on her last day…a bonus apparently

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The culprits should be flaked

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That on Spotight too? It’s repeated on BBC2 tonight 11:!5

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Slowlllllllly slowlllllllly it’ll all surface

I’d wonder how much them chicken people were given in public money through his tenure too. They were certainly coining it through RHI

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Does any of this get coverage over in GB?

The RHI scandal did to some extent as there was a similar scheme in GB which in effect capped payments. The scheme in NI was “imported” from GB but they stripped out the parts which would cap payments.
I think the report of the RHI inquiry is due out next month.