The north/really good looking fellas

Vote SF

Bang Bang?

Bullets (and bombs) were used by UVF/RUC/UDR to murder Catholics.


I see rte are going to show a documentary about holy cross ps. What’s behind this removing of heads from sand?

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Interesting post. If I was going to go to my highest conspiracy theory level, I would suggest that they’re getting ready for SF being in government. The next minister for culture would probably be a SFer. RTE are very very close to the current political establishment but not the next one yet.

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I’d say its more to do with preparing @carryharry etc for a referendum

It was probably cheap to buy.

They made it themselves, that’s the thing…

The license fee will have to be supported regardless of who’s in govt. they are a spineless lot

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Some ppl here really haven’t a fucking notion not surprising but bloody disappointing when folk make little of that documentary

The indo had a headline criticizing the McGuinness one the following day saying it made him out to be a saint.

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Ffs timing is everything more deflection from the state

He wasn’t a saint in any shape or form neither was Tom Barry
Dan Breen
Michael Collins , they’re job like McGuinness was to get they’re hands dirty so others could sleep peacefully in their beds


Perfidious Albion! Brexit connected I’d guess.

Maybe Britain is no longer fashionable in Dublin


Ha! I doubt that. Maybe it’s an attempt to loosen the ties between the Brits & the West Brits.

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That statement up there is from John Weir, a man educated in a Dublin school.

Is that even possible?

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Regan surely has coty heat one all to himself this year.


It’s fucking terrifying that there are people like this in positions of power.

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