The north/really good looking fellas

He’s only a fucking journalist :roll_eyes:


He’s only a cunt

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He’s powerless one way or the other

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Did you do a real eye roll reading that :rofl:

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A retired journalist

Terrifying isn’t it

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Probably some clapped out oul creep trying to make a name for himself so he’ll get a couple of hundred quid to sit in on Brendan O Connors show on a Sunday morning

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Theres a funny dynamic there. The same Michael would deny the civil war comparison when it comes to the ira but make the comparison himself when it comes to the loyalist/ruc/brit outfit.


He seems to really want to remain relevant .

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Most people south of the border didn’t have a notion when it was happening, let alone now.

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Spot on😅

RTÉ documentary to look back at 2001 Holy Cross protest

19 September, 2020 01:00

A new programme about the Holy Cross dispute in 2001 is due to be broadcast on RTÉ One on Tuesday
THE Holy Cross dispute which saw Catholic schoolgirls face loyalist protests as they walked through an area of north Belfast is the subject of a new RTÉ documentary next week.

Scannal - Holy Cross will revisit the 12-week stand-off in Ardoyne which made headlines around the world almost 20 years ago.

Terrified children, some as young as four, had to run the gauntlet of loyalist protestors on their way to Holy Cross Girls’ Primary School.

The children and their parents found themselves the target of verbal abuse as well as stones, bottles, fireworks and even a blast bomb.

Scores of police in riot gear and British soldiers were brought in to escort the children.

The new documentary includes commentary from former President Mary McAleese, who is from Ardoyne, and Irish News journalist Robert McMillen.

“We are looking at it through the lens with the advantage of having time on your side,” said researcher Daráine Mulvihill.

"This was a story that was on the list for a really long time. It stirred such emotions in people. It’s a tough one to tell because you have to be very sensitive in the way you would re-tell it.

“It’s a very heavy subject matter. It’s almost 20 years now and it just felt like maybe it was the right time to revisit the story.”

Scannal - Holy Cross will be broadcast on RTÉ One at 7pm on Tuesday September 22.

Shame RTÉ never gave a fuck when these events were going on up North


There must have been a fierce amount of hand wringing. I hope no ones delicate sensibilities will be impacted by the heaviness of the subject matter

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This woman was quite tearful earlier as she told me she had to allocate the last place in her bubble to her sister ahead of her best friend. These are hard times we’re living in.


Republican congressman from Pennsylvania who has Irish ancestry has questioned Drew Harris suitability to be Garda commissioner in light of his complicity in shutting down investigations into the Glenane gang and other state collusion. Of course Paddy has taken to twitter to express just how wonderful a job Harris is doing and that the congressman should preoccupy himself with Trump instead. I really need to delete twitter.



Harris: fox :fox_face: in our henhouse

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Whatever DPP in northern Ireland is called have decided not to prosecute british soldiers involved in Bloody Sunday. Absolutely appalling decision but not unexpected. Political lobbying again played its part no doubt. Disgusting.


I’d like to see each and every brit soldier involved tied to a post, their trousers round their ankles and their genitals smeared with pig’s blood and a pack of rabid dogs let loose on them. And I’d make sure this cunt was one of them -
Mike Jackson
retired British Army officer and one of its most high-profile generals since the Second World War.[3] Originally commissioned into the Intelligence Corps in 1963, he transferred to the Parachute Regiment in 1970, with which he served two of his three tours of duty in Northern Ireland. On his first, he was present as an adjutant at the events of the Ballymurphy massacre (1971), where 11 unarmed civilians were shot dead by British troops, and then at Bloody Sunday (1972), when British soldiers opened fire on protesters, killing 14.

The reality of course is that almost 50 years later with evidence having been deliberately destroyed, witnesses aging\dying, memories uncertain, the chances of securing a conviction are slim indeed. It surprises me more that any of the bastards are being prosecuted so either the evidence against Soldier F is very strong or they’re going for an acquittal and a “we told you how difficult this was”.

Edit to add that while I know it’s not the TFK way, I do believe in the rule of law even though it’s flawed.