The north/really good looking fellas

I don’t condone this kind of shit. If you’re a Unionist, and you’re listening to Shinners telling you “in the New Ireland your traditions and culture will be respected”, how can you reconcile that rhetoric with this carry on…

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“a sectarian hate crime”? The bomb victims were all English, how could it be a sectarian crime? They could have been Catholic, Protestant, or any other religion.

An anti-British act of vandalism…aka sectarianism

Wouldn’t agree. If it were an act against a symbol of the protestant religion or Loyalist ethnicity then yes, but it’s a memorial to English soldiers who were killed in Ireland. Should we respect a memorial in Kilmichel to the victims of that ambush? I would say no.

Apples and oranges. Kilmichael is not in a contested province like this monument in the North is. How can anyone hope for people to move on if everyone was to continue in that manner…

Free state thinking, sorry.

Yep :relieved:

I’d argue that if people were forced to grit their teeth enough to allow the likes of stone out, and this was the price of peace, then yes, these monuments should be ignored by those who disagree with them, but people deface nature signs and sculptures of animals and the like.
The sentiment is correct. For a united Ireland to work, tolerance needs to continue.

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Like I said, an awful wind up.

Like I said, a piece of shit.

An awful divil

He’s a fucking shauneen of an excuse fir an Irishman it that’s his mantra

Well funded “community workers in rathcoole etc” AKA Heroin dealers

I passed this a couple of weeks back coming back from Donegal. I wouldn’t have noticed it only there was a car pulled in and an auld fella was placing a wreath or tending to it or something along those lines.

Had a quick search for it that evening to see what the memorial was for, but the nearest place is a crossroads called Garvaghy and “Garvaghy troubles” doesn’t, eh, return very many results on the Google machine…

He is lower than shit. He should be run out of the country then he can join his DUP mates and he can that other cunt Harris with him. What a disgraceful decision that was.


Footix in partitionist post bombshell

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Nothing surprises me anymore

Still beating that old drum like an orange man. Time to change the tune maybe you should play the flute.



The Irish government , now, and back then, are as complicit as anyone in British state collusion in Ireland… Their silence speaks volumes.