The north/really good looking fellas

You wont here a peep from the soup taking cunts in the dail … On anything that came to light today or in the last few weeks


Charlie Flanagan wrote to RTÉ asking them not to show this program as there was no balance. He’s on with Shane now defending his stance.


He also wonders where the money came from to make it?

Unquiet Graves?

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Yeah. He more or less said on air that criminals funded a propaganda piece and RTÉ should not have aired it.

There must be serious dirt floating around about Charlie.To be this big a soup taking cunt is the only way it can be explained. He appointed Harris also did he not.?

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The media have completely stayed away from this and now Charlie might have unwittingly brought it on radar

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What balance was necessary exactly? Those Taigs had it coming?

We’ve forgotten the plight of loyalist paramilitaries, they’ve been left behind by the peace process and covid had left them feeling more marginalised than ever before.
Dig deep fellas.


20 years later and they’ve got their hands out again to transition. Meanwhile the UDA and UVF drug gangs are making working class loyalist areas a misery to live in.

But they’ve been disenfranchised by the peace process…which was the whole point I suppose

I doubt they had to work too hard.


Unquiet Graves


Flanagan’s carry on over this is about as low as it gets. It warrants a category beyond COTY.


Does he qualify?

How did I miss this shit with Flanagan?

Charlie is an awful wind up

It’s a shame the people he likes to wind up and insult are the families of innocent victims, murdered by state sponsored sectarian murder gangs who have had their quest for justice blackguarded and railroaded for a good 40-50 years.

He’s a piece of shit.


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He’s not much worse than Connor Cruise O’Brien. He’s following a political tradition.