The north/really good looking fellas

Top notch grade A material there.


I wouldn’t mind getting my Johnny in dere Eh eh eh eh

Without the makeup

Would you take one in the back from Johnny for a cut off her?

Johnny got 2 in the head and survived a real ra hit years ago at a concert , anything related to him is dirt and dangerous,surrounded by druggies

You’d die above on her all the same

This is the thread you are looking for mate

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It’s reckoned Notarantonio was killed in an op to hit a senior IRA figure which was diverted by Brit Intel. The initiall UDA target was Scapaticci.

Notarantonio was too old to be active

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It’s depressing the amount of young girls/woman getting their bodies altered.

Never criticise a woman for wanting to improve herself for her man

A wise man once told me if I wanted to settle with a young wan, either meet the mother or see as recent as possible a photo. Why says I, because your wan will turn out worse…

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Back in the day now, but a woman can always seek a bit of help with a nip here and a ruck there. Commendable.

I was once involved in an altercation with one of the Notarantonio crew. I lived to tell the tale.

Gerard Devlin didn’t. The grandfather was golden but after that…

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Wasn’t active at the time no but it suited both the UDA/ Brit intelligence to hit a member of a huge republican family at the time,stir stir stir the trouble cauldron was/ is their mantra , incidentally it was fuckin Gerry Adams nephew who led the ASU who took out Joe joe o Connor( who was basically under 24 hours surveillance which magically dissapeared hours before and during the hit)

Lucky boy then

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Three women were stabbed in belfast last night, a fourth was punched in the throat.
Gary somebody from the SDLP was interviewed on radio ulster, he said it was particularly worrying because they were women and because of the misogyny aspect

:rofl: Maybe Gary had just woke. Heard Claire Hanna on & she was something similar wanting attacks on women defined as hate crimes.


The long proposed redevelopment of Casement Park is back centre stage. Nichola Mullen Infrastructure Minister is set to green-light the proposal. Said project has had 1k objections and now appears to be priced at about £110m.
Our Darleen Arleen “hopes to see the Swampies win an Anglo-Celt cup in the new venue” **
It’s a lot of loot for a bad location traffic wise and realistically how many big games can they hope to attract. Clones, for all it’s drawbacks has become the spiritual soul of Ulster football.

** I don’t think Arleen is overly familiar with GAA vocabulary but you get the just.

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