The north/really good looking fellas

UVF tramps

If it came out Arlene had one they would spontaneously combust.

Derry city I think. Greg realised he could save a few bob and went to the bank and swapped his British pounds for punts. But the shop phoned the papers.

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You keep that mug for visitors by the looks of it

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Not mine but I agree with the sentiment tbh, sent to me tonight by a prod bud on a whats app group :grin:

Ireland Catholic will never be free

Some of the greatest Irish Nationalists in our history were Prods.



Wolfe Tone
Robert Emmet
Ernest Blythe
Bulmer Hobson

There’s more I’m sure


Erskine Childers


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Constance Markiewicz

some of the greatest scourges of this country were of the same disposition, more than your list of heroes

Sure we know that.

By the way, plenty of Irish Catholic Landowners were the worst of the worst in how they treated their tenants.

And plenty of Irish Catholics stayed loyal to the Crown all the way to the end too. Lots of them, in fact.

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more than one over the other, I think not.

The worst of the worst? I’d say that’s fairly far fetched

Irish Catholic Landowners evicted just as many and in some cases more tenants off their lands at the height of the famine than their fellow Protestant Landowners.

Sir Roger Casement. Hanged for trying to free Ireland. Another one.

how much land did the protestants own and keep?

You’re going to bat for the proddys?

When Catholicism is banned they’re all gonna be proddy, right?

I’m actually interested in history and knowing the facts, not 3rd class level understanding of it.

“Bat for the Proddys”… Jesus :roll_eyes: