The north/really good looking fellas

ok, was Catholicism acceptable in the time of the revolutionaries?

You swear we’ve met but every word out of your mouth makes me think it’s impossible

What time of the revolutionaries are you talking about mate??

1530s Silken Thomas?
1600s Battle of Kinsale & the 9 year’s war?
1798 Rebellion??
1867 Fenian Rising??
1916 Rising?
1919 War of Independence?

Which revolutionary times?

And what do you mean by acceptable?? Do you mean if it was outlawed?

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all of them. When was it ok to be a roman catholic? anyone opposed to Britain opposed Lutheranism

It was illegal to attend Mass during the Penal Laws (1700s). This ended sometime in the late 1700s. All of the Penal Laws ceased with Catholic Emancipation in 1829

What has Lutheranism got to do with it?? I’m hugely confused here…

it’s not unusual

It’s very unusual seeing as Lutheranism is not the Protestant religion of Britain. Lutheranism is a religion mostly found in continental Europe.

You must be talking about the Church of England and the Anglican faith.

But carry on… you’re doing great here :popcorn:

I couldn’t give two fucks about Prods mate. You defend them all the way :smiley:

You’re a prod right?

Right, good man you are :+1:


Ignorance really is bliss!

I’m a prod because I named out some great Irish Nationalists who were protestant…?


Also never once “defended” them.

appease yourself over the last 20 or so posts

I’m a Roman Catholic, seeing as you asked.

Not that there is anything to be proud of in that.

I just know the history of my people far better than you do. That’s all.

Maybe you do.

Or maybe youve gone looking more than is relevant because you’re a nosey cunt?

I’m going for option b.

I love history and learning about it because I’m a nosey cunt?


Ah fuck it, I’m really enjoying this :sunglasses:

A nosey, proddy cunt. Dont forget


It seems the fact Wolfe Tone was protestant has finished you off here?!

Ah brilliant. Someone’s been at the sherry :wine_glass:

We’ve both been drinking

I’m probably going to have to confess. You can protest

I’m sober as a judge my friend. Just in the door from work.

Edward Fitzgerald was another one. Another great Irish Protestant Nationalist :clap:


Grand. You’re a sober proddy cunt

Look on the bright side, I educated you a little bit tonight.

You’re very welcome.