The north/really good looking fellas

Not at all FFS heading to retirement,I’d be deadly on COD though :roll_eyes:

Foolish to be associated with him after that business in Greece

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Must be the only language in the world that can be mastered immediately by sight or aurally.


It’s definitely the stupidest language in the world.

:laughing: I’ve just realised that I can speak Ulster Scots!

Do they actually think it’s a language as opposed to just how a bunch of incredibly thick, inbred people communicate?


It’s a plamas of a language, anything to get a grant.

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Yes they do

Who was the lad in the House of Lords who just openly admitted that he’d invented Ulster Scots to draw funding away from the Irish language? Kilburn or Kilrush or something?

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John Taylor? Kilcooney or something?
He killed a relative of mine…accidentally. went to the wake, was very contrite.
(That @Fitzy is a huffy fucker. Best of a lad, but very huffy)

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Kilcooney. I’m sorry to hear he’s been killing your family members, what happened?

He drove over him

He got shot in the face himself. I’d nothing to do with it…

Flesh that out there lad I’m curious about it,was it farming related?

The Stickies tried to kill him.

He is an utter cunt of a man.

The hypocrisy of the DUP is astonishing though. They had Oliver Gibson a sitting DUP MLA in Stormont not too long ago who murdered a nationalist councillor who sat on Omagh council with him at the time. Of course he was never charged due to the RUC fudging the investigation but the dogs on the street know he did it.

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No, it’s a lifetime ago…Taylor was driving, relative (distant) was a pedestrian. That’s about as much as I know

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He was shot himself several times but survived,7 holes plus in him but survived

From memory I think it’s the same bollox

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Aye. I’d say you remember it alright
(But don’t worry…I’ll say nathin to nobody)

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Couldn’t not but remember him,he was like a little rhino ,and was at deaths door, widely reported at the time,rabid anti RC

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