The north/really good looking fellas

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That’s the cunt alright,luck of the devil

The DUP may find that getting into bed publicly with loyalists may not have been such a good idea. To mix metaphors, the tail is now starting to wag the dog.

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Just a wee heads up for any of you lads who live anywhere near the border - and by that I mean within 100 miles.
The steam from the boiling blood of ppl like Arlene Foster, Gregory Campbell, Sammy Wilson etc etc will inflict 3rd degree burns on anybody who comes in contact with it. Stay clear.
It’s not right to laugh, but …


Nolan will be priceless tomorrow. Presume big Jim is already lined up as first guest


Jim was on talkback earlier. Fair to say he’s not best pleased.

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How did I forget about Jim? :roll_eyes:

Lovely I’ll listen to that sitting outside later.

Here you go. Enjoy


You could have give us a time marker, mate. I switched it off shortly after 12 when I realised Billy Crawley was on another woke episode.

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About 41:30 in it starts You’re welcome :laughing:

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William “Why ARE men such a danger to women” Crawley

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We can send them up Martin Callinan as a thank you for Drew Harris.

He’d be perfect. He intimidated the victims families of the Dublin/Monaghan bombings in his heavy gang days


Yeah Martin the prized prick

For a very small island, we’re dreadfully fucked up.

Nolan playing an absolute blinder this morning. Hard to believe someone put steve aiKen in charge of a nuclear submarine


Nolan I can’t watch or listen to


Of all the political “leaders” in the North, Aiken is the worst by a country mile. Fairly easy target for Nolan. Beattie gave him the leadership I reckon knowing he was a car crash waiting to happen & while the UUP were pretty much in the doldrums. Beattie will take over at an opportune moment.

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O Neill is awful too, far worse than Aiken imo.

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