The north/really good looking fellas

There’s a lad he has on every 2nd or 3rd day called Jim Wilson. He is an absolute head banger. Bryson is Martin Luther King compared to him. You wouldn’t get that type of radio anywhere else.


Ben lowry needs to be seen and heard to be fully appreciated. He has a thespian look, the faux emotive pleading voice of a nordie mdh and the bigotry of jim allister. “Oh why oh why” followed by themuns are getting everything


Absolutely! The man deserves a thread all to his whinging self.

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I see the current riots are being blamed on the Bobby Storey funeral.

Yeah…the “loyalists being left behind by the peace process” has been losing traction due to loyalist foot soldiers being born after the peace process.
They’re still marginalised and disenfranchised though

Is “loyalists have been left behind by the peace process” just code for “we’re all fucking broke”?

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Big Jim was on Nolan again today

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RTÉ actually reported that those involved in the violence all appeared to be wearing masks at least.

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I’ve an Air BnB booked in Portstewart for the start of June. The loyalists might be rioting all summer.
Have I got this right that Portstewart is the more taigy town and Portrush is the more blacky town?

That is it alright, you won’t be having any trouble in Portstewart. It’s not Ballycastle but a grand place to pass a few days if the weather comes.

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Few quid floating around Portstewart

Yes, but still majority Protestant. Something in the region of 55% Protestant. It’s a much more civilised place than Portrush but you’ll still see plenty of flegs about it - maybe not quite so many at start of June. Loyalist paramilitaries control the drug trade in the whole Triangle (Coleraine/Portrush/Portstewart) area and “security staff” at bars & clubs.
However, there’s not a lot of sectarian tension about it ’ cos there is money there and no real “loyalist” housing estates.


I stayed in Portrush a couple of nights and it was a grand spot. Could be any Irish seaside town really

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@tank I heard a very funny story the other day about my missus Cavan cousin, the child was teething so they got the “cure” from some fella in Monaghan. You used to have to go up to him and he’d lay the hands on you, but now with covid you send him a €5 in the envelope with the childs name on it and he’ll send you back a blessed picture or something which you put under the childs pillow. Works a treat she says, but she’s going to get another one off him now as the original is “wearing off”. This one is highly educated and early thirties.
Apparently people go to him for the cure for all sorts of things.
What fucking decade is it up there at all FFS.

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A Monaghan man taking some Cavan eijit for the ride, fair play to him.

Is it the cure you object to or the covid arrangements?

Well if I was to believe the man was magic I wouldn’t see how he couldn’t be magic by the post.

Fair enough… or without post I suppose.

I’ve a relative who is supposed to have a cure for a sore back. He gets no peace with people calling…you’re not allowed to pay him or thank him apparently.

Our old vet would just tell farmers to just get the cure for animals that wouldn’t stop bleeding for whatever reason. He said it was quicker and better than the sprays, glues etc.