The north/really good looking fellas

Kneel Richmond gave it a like.

cc @Bandage


Taking the riots to interface areas tonight and seem to be intent on goading the other side into kicking off too. Obviously that’s what Foster et al want to happen to give themselves cover. She’s cut from the same cloth as the most strident loyalist cunts from the past.


Where the fuck are the PSNI?

A marginalised community rioting in Belfast has undoubted historical parallels. Whether lads choose to ignore them or not.

Loyalists are not marginalised.

The only parallels here are to a violent loyalist mob stoking sectarian tensions again because they aren’t getting it their own way.

The loyalist mobs are now targeting interface areas, where are the PSNI?


Rightly or wrongly they feel marginalised and under threat.

They felt under threat in the 1970s in case themmuns got the same rights as them.

The KKK feel under threat too.


Loyalists need to stop voting for middle class unionist parties like the dup if they want representation.

What are they rioting about anyway?

I think any sensible person can see this is a coordinated collective loyalist tantrum. Foster’s behaviour reflects terribly on Fermanagh GAA.


Brexit is fucking with the drug running.

You won’t see any DUP/UUP reps on the ground there trying to quell this.

Nail, head.

Something they voted for/people going to a funeral.

I assume the NI Protocol is the touch paper of sorts. They see their position in the Union sliding away.

Add that to a year of lockdown and massive economic issues in those communities and lack of any political leadership

= Angry young men

same as it ever was
same as it ever was


Boris Johnson. If there’s a bigger cunt in the world I’d be surprised.


The Brits couldn’t give a fuck about the North and it’s only dawning on them now

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No but they get the angry young marginalised community to do their bidding by stirring up trouble then retreating back to their ivory towers. Whatever faults the shinners have, a lot of their candidates come from the marginalised community on the other side.