The north/really good looking fellas

They seemed to be all wearing masks at least - keeping safe from covid. :smile:

RTÉ were at pains to point that out.


I see in the comments that seemingly all the community leaders are out in the nationalist areas trying to keep a lid on things, but that none of these well paid loyalist leaders that Arlene meets are anywhere to be seen.

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Anytime something kicks off in nationalist areas you will have the likes of Gerry Kelly or Alex Maskey down there on the ground trying to diffuse the situation.

Could you imagine the Sean Graham bookies incident happened on the other side of the community weeks back what the reaction would have been.

Very sad to see how young most of the people involved seem to be


It genuinely is 20 plus years after the Good Friday agreement.

I would love for someone to say that to Arlenes face just to see her response and reaction. How they can’t see that the Brits don’t want/care for them is beyond me.

Dunphy said it to Billy Hutchinson on Monday and he agreed with him, said it was always thus. No Dup or uup would admit though

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I’d be very surprised if it hasn’t been said to her already.

They know it well sure, see Ian Jr’s recent emotional moment at Westminster for confirmation on that. Like a poor domestic abuse victim they are convinced if they stick around long enough the Tories will come to their senses and love them as they truly intend.


Ferriter giving Arlene socks here on TV3

The Tories dont need them, at least for the moment and from the UK folk I meet daily they want fuck all to do with them or London for that matter.

Of course, and the DUP know that full well. What they are not able to do is accept it.

They were king makers for Theresa may and they think they still are. That’s where it starts and ends really


They do in their hole. Theyve had absolutely everything handed to them and there hasn’t been a peep from nationalists about their culture, their drug dealing, their paramilitary extortion rackets or their ulster Scots. This is a criminal mob out enjoying themselves after being stoked up by middle class unionism.


Did he really like the tweet or is that image doctored? He seems to have done a Ewan and “unliked” it, if he did indeed like it to begin with.

He really liked it.

Got pelters on Twitter for it and then unliked it.

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But, but, the protestant, unionist, loyalist people never supported the violence of the UVF/UDA etc etc

I mean the proof is that the parties who stood for the paramilitaries never made any political inroads

Or something