The north/really good looking fellas

Self defensive peroxide harridans

This is what we’re dealing with up here

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A super-prod :clap:

His only crime was loyalty

Dumb bastard obviously cut himself badly slashing the tyres too

Local Sinners are apparently lined up at Springfield Road to stop any nationalist kids get up to Lanark way.

Expect an angry tweet from Arlene about the lockdown rules.

When you know Belfast a little it’s funny how small it is

These riots might put off the Belfast pints/trips for a while

And what side was the water cannon deployed on? Go on, have a guess.

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He’s 42! He looks about 60!

Sure Arleen Foster only turned 50 the other week. Must be a Prod thing.

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Dont fight it @Locke.


Read about that creep-needs to be invited out for a spin

50 what? Stone?
There’s 6 or 7 Derek Chauvin’s in an Arlene.

This prick needs to read my extensive research into ‘50 Great Protestant Irish Nationalists’ which I released exclusively on TFK in the recent past. He has also opened the door to a “Great Protestants of the GAA” list


This journalist was just on rte radio. Apparently he’s from a unionist background and lives in East belfast but he absolutely cleaned unionism/loyalism out as a political belief. Said they are just all about no no no and blaming everyone else for their problems. Said they never offer solutions and have never offered them for 50 years. Loyalist areas are total shit holes and have been genuinely ‘left behind’ by similar nationalist areas because of the work of sf on the ground. Said ‘middle class unionists’ are waking up to this and heading to the alliance party in droves.
Probably nothing new in it but he just laid it all out really clearly.


Astute men like Chocolatemice and @farmerinthecity have been lamenting the loss of David Ervine for years. A lack of true working class politicians in loyalist areas is a huge problem.

In some ways SF/DUP are similar… In the silly games they play to cancel each other out. But SF do an amount of work on the ground for their communities, whereas the DUP are merely using Loyalists for their own means, therein lies the difference and the problem. As far back as the 60s Loyalists were stunned by the civil rights movement in relation to housing, as they pretty much lived in similar shithole conditions … But they weren’t given time to digest this and say nationalists have a point here, instead the fire and brimstone zealots made it clear that anything coming from nationalists was an affront on their Britishness… The sad thing is that a lot of lads from the Loyalist side who got involved in violence saw this years later.

But the political situation has backed Loyalists firmly into the DUP corner now, there’s no other real alternative and so the circle continues… Be interesting to see if Alliance can make inroads in the wider community and become a significant party, but I can’t see it.


Would hardly say that middle class unionists are heading to the Alliance in their droves.

The next Assembly will be interesting though.

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The A, The A, The APNI.


Maybe he didn’t say droves but definitely said it was a considerable shift. Said people who it would have been unthinkable that they wouldn’t vote for a party with a core belief of unionism now are.

The DUP.

Interested only in maintaining the status quo and stamp down on everything that threatens that.

This includes not developing loyalist working class areas. I mean who else is going to frighten the Nationalists into submission of the Union link? Hardly us!! And if that’s broken what happens to our cosy middle class existence?

The most horrible political party in existence anywhere in the world. There has been a fear of them in mainstream politics for years - surely it’s time to take the bastards on now.