The north/really good looking fellas

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Fuck em.

The world has moved on but they refuse to. They’ve had it their own way for long enough and are fucked if they think the DUP are gonna save them. They’ll turn on each other soon enough…but you wouldn’t see too much care if the KKK or a group of neo Nazis were rioting and screaming about their ‘culture’ disappearing… Loyalists are akin to these groups, hate filled supremacists.


Suppose the key question is how many of them is there? If there’s very few they can be isolated and this will all fizzle out and things can move on without then. Yer man in the article called it right 5 years ago though about how the main parties wound the lads on the ground up in the 70s and will again.

I’m under no illusions that the DUP are directly encouraging this and not merely winding from the sidelines. They’ve always encouraged violence… But what’s it gonna lead to? Brexit is done and the tans don’t give two fucks about them… They badly need a David Ervine but there isn’t too many of his kind about.

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Rees mogg is a cunt alright, but he’s a relatively honest one in that he’s always been an old empire nasty forreners type. Johnson is a greasy pig who will say and do anything to get what he wants.

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Over time paramilitary violence and goading the other side into it too would be the ultimate fear I suppose. I think it was brolly said the Irish peace process is one of the most successful of all time. Not beyond the bounds of possibility it would break down surely?

Exactly. The loyalists problem is that there’s only about forty scrotes, half of whom are recreational rioters.
They’ll be chewed up and spat out without the wholesale backing of the British state and army, which wont happen this time, because nobody wants anything to do with them.

I read somewhere that there are more peacewalls in Belfast now than at height of the Troubles.

The economic underachievement of large numbers
of people (on both sides) is the canvas on which the political slogans get written. Loyalists are particularly badly served by their politicians but it’s naive to think this won’t and can’t gather momentum and become very dangerous and destabilizing.

The EU already knee-jerked on the NI Protocol.

The knee jerk was an utterly crass mismove, but was provoked by something else entirely, and I mean crass because it was a political blunder, not crass because it was wrong.

Pressure is on EU not to let Northern Ireland descend into chaos and violence off back of the negotiated Brexit.

Johnson will love the opportunity to blame Brussels.

The world and in particular the US is watching.

Maybe it will fizzle out with a few days of rain but I’d imagine there are lots of nervous phone calls going on right now.

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The EU need to throw their lot behind Scottish independence. Once Scotland falls the other dominos will fall.


I always find it amusing when lads down south think they’ve any sort of understanding of the troubles in the north or how it should be resolved.

Fixed that for ya. :slight_smile:

Marching season could get tasty.

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Seems legit

broadband issues incoming.

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Yeah, lads down south could never understand it

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RTE News covering the executive now. Some peroxide harridan giving out about themmuns.

No-one does peroxide harridans like the unionists.