The north/really good looking fellas

Thats the mural with the eyes that follow you isn’t it. The brother came over chatting to us when we were looking at it. A dangerous looking fucker.

The same could be said for Man United supporters on tfk

Will they take a night off rioting as a mark of respect I wonder

He’s some fucking fanny - Loyalists are not denied a political voice like nationalists once were, they just choose to squander it on the DUP. Completely different situation.

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He keeps on thinking of ways to out-wanker himself. Its almost commendable.

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Bruton looks really shook these days. Every cloud…

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Well he is half right there

That the troubles were in NI? Yes, he got that part right.

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It’s spot on for a sonnet, kudos @TheBlackSpot

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@TheBlackSpot has nothing left to learn

built on sand

Yousuns have everything

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All built on sand

Great book. I felt sorry for the loyalist community. The bleakness of their lives seemed total.

There’s a part where Lenny Murphy is in prison and one of his best mates has turned tout so he needs to work out a way to kill him. He has possible access to this lad at lunchtime, when Lenny’s job is to pass the condiments to each table and has access to cyanide but the rat sits at the end of the table, past all Lenny’s other mates. He has another possible way of accessing him in his cell, because Lenny has double agents in the prison staff who might let Lenny into the rat’s cell to kill him.

Lenny’s solution is to put cyanide in the sugar and poison the entire table.

The brutality of some of the killings is extreme. The killings of Stephen McCann and Thomas Quinn in particular live in the memory and the poetry Stephen McCann wrote in the weeks before his death:

“In our dreams we know a man
Who knows what life and death are all about
Because he’s seen them he can feel them
He has been them so he knows.

We all live just for a moment
But we know we die for ever more
And all our dreams come true

The man we know so well has come to take us
And to claim us
And to bring us to the place where we belong
And where we should have been the day we were born

But all my dreams are over now
I’ve lost the man who gave me life
To use it or abuse it
I returned it to him broken
And discoloured with my sins since time began
But he forgave me.


doesn’t look like it in coleraine

Seamie is only politician up there who gets things done

By god

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The SDLP have really outstooped themselves this time.

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