The north/really good looking fellas

A whole new collection of GIFs for @iron_mike is what I see

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I’ve a female friend up North, moderate Unionist, who says the word on the blue white and red streets is that Poots is “riding the white pony with King Billy” / “marching with the flute music” / “wrong footed” / “very obviously a self-hating queer” and all the Unionists know it. The only thing I know about Poots’ private life is he’s supposed to be a huge Celine Dion fan so that adds up. I don’t know it it will make any difference, we’ve got obviously gay politicians down south, everyone turns a blind eye and votes for them anyway.

But I was just thinking what a completely weird place the North is. Sandwiched between very liberal Britain and fairly liberal Republic of Ireland and this is what they’re coming up with. You’d seriously wonder if a normal young liberal Unionist would allow themselves to be associated with this.


Edwin Poofs??

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Bertie landed a zinger on Jim Wells yesterday. Jim went on a rant about an imposed border down the Irish sea being unacceptable no matter what benefits the protocol can bring.
Bertie said well Jim we had a border imposed on us 100 years ago and we had to get on with it.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the dup try to wrong foot both the right wing fundamentalists and the relatively moderate crowd by putting in someone that none of them really know much about. Stalford or frew would be good outside bets

The Jack Charlton method.

Jeffrey is gay.

Interesting way to view it.

Himself and willie used to throw the odd party in London. Newton emerson’s criticism of mccreas record on the safety of our coastal waters wasn’t really about not renting enough buoys


Sir Jeffrey has a load of those super injunctions in play. I wonder what he’s hiding?

Just to clarify this. My memory was that they defected at the time of the GFA. That is incorrect. Both opposed David Trimble’s leadership of the UUP mainly because of his signing up to the GFA but they remained within the UUP agitating against Trimble until the DUP became the dominant Unionist party after the 2003 Assembly elections. They then defected to the DUP in late 2003.


Two different forms of cowardice.

Donaldson started out working for Enoch Powell. That should tell you all you need to know about him.


I’m fairly sure Donaldson’s main objection wasn’t to power-sharing per se, it was that he didn’t think that the GFA guaranteed IRA decommissioning.

I’m surprised about the Enoch Powell link. He spoke in UCD once when I was there and seemed sound, modern.

Edit: as I recall the wife is a fat, kind, placid sort of woman who would probably make a good beard.

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Just had a look at the super-injunction situation in Northern Ireland.
The internet reckons 4 have been issued - Stephen Nolan, Sammy Wilson, Jeffrey Donaldson and one other.

There’s some amount of man-riding going on East of the Bann, they’re nearly worse than the Taigs.

Nothing beats William Ross who was MP for UUP at the time of the GFA and has defected all the way to the TUV. I am not sure did he go from UUP to DUP to TUV or skip the DUP entirely? Remember him spitting anger in days following the GFA. When questioned by a reporter if he had actually read the agreement he gave a frank reply. “Have I read it? Have you read it? I wouldn’t touch it with a barge poll.” @Rocko


Was Arlene not the other one?

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Ah yeah Arlene’s Catholic driver.

Hard enough gig to be a blind driver.

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