The north/really good looking fellas

Next you’ll be telling us you’re not male if born with a penis


Don’t agree with the anti-Donaldson feeling here. Donaldson has spent the past 20-odd years wolfing down any free dinner that was going anywhere south of the border. The family know the south well at this stage and they’ve always been friendly when they come down. Donaldson is a fake, he’s for sale. If he’d double-cross the UUP he’d double-cross the DUP as well. The argument might be made that if he cares for very little he mightn’t care what effect his hardline approach has on the North but to me he’s always given the impression of having some principles. I wouldn’t worry about the Enoch Powell link either, Powell was closely involved in Northern politics and it was a common enough UUP position at the time to be pro-Powell.

Poots in contrast is a genuine self-hating queer. I don’t like Poots’ principles, they could be problematic.

Interesting @Tank and perhaps you are right.

I’ve never seen Jeffrey Donaldson and Daniel O’Donnell in the same room #justsaying


Do people have a problem with Neale Richmond because he’s not Catholic or what? He sewed into Sammy Wilson etc plenty of times during Brexit debates, so not sure what they hate is here

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Richmond is an arch EU brown noser

It’s burger face rubby background for me.


Bobby Sands’ last wishes disgracefully ignored by the Republican Movement. Buried in Milltown in a shroud despite specifically saying he didn’t want that.

I **don’t like Milltown, what the difference at that stage) **

**We always wanted buried in Carnmoney the Catholic part of which lies under the shade of the west side of Carnmoney hill I wrote a poem about this once, you should have it there, my reasons are many, as you know I grew up out there, even I realize that this during a war could never for obvious reasons, so there is also the consideration of my sister who I haven’t seen for four years and whom I won’t see again. **

****Th**at is why I wanted to go to Ballina and there are other reasons none of which pertain to the political hazzle involved. I even considered [Fochuairt], which lies on the Free State side of the South Armagh border. **

I don’t like Milltown and that’s being honest your probably wrecked calling me a morbid eccentric, I’m not I’m human and worry on wee things like those and finally I wanted wrapped in a blanket cause I don’t want humiliated in a stinkin’ suit or shroud and I’ve said enough.

I’d hate to not treat the DUP leadership contest with the respect it deserves, but the juvenile in me is backing Poots because it sounds like poop


In speaking of international politics, we cannot ignore what is happening in Northern Ireland. I feel it is my duty to refer to this problem. In my opinion, Irish patriots are writing one of the most heroic chapters in human history.

They have earned the respect and admiration of the world, and likewise they deserve its support. Ten of them have already died in the most moving gesture of sacrifice, selflessness and courage one could ever imagine.

Humanity should feel ashamed that this terrible crime is being committed before its very eyes. These young fighters do not ask for independence or make impossible demands to put an end to their strike.

They ask only for something as simple as the recognition of what they actually are: political prisoners…

The stubbornness, intransigence, cruelty and insensitivity of the British Government before the international community concerning the problem of the Irish patriots and their hunger strike until death remind us of Torquemada and the atrocities committed by the Inquisition during the apogee of the Middle Ages…

Let tyrants tremble before men who are capable of dying for their ideals, after 60 days on hunger strike!

It is high time for the world community to put an end to this repulsive atrocity through denunciation and pressure.


Clearly a fake, but the barstoolers love that shit. “Aren’t we great that those lads love us!”


It’s genuine.


A stunt. The newly elected right wing govt in Madrid will rip it down fairly sharpish.

Guantanamo bay is on Cuba

Yes, it is a genuine sticker put up by a ‘human rights activist’ according to a subsequent tweet.
I would wager that whoever runs this unity twitter account knows someone in Madrid and set this up for them sweet sweet internet validations.

Contemptible even by your low standards then again Laois cunts took the soup and are still supping useless ppl


It was a bit misogynistic I guess. My apologies to her people.

For Gods sake boy I know it’s ok to be crass in here but honestly that’s not good

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Relax mate, its not like I offended your queen, it was a mistake.

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