The north/really good looking fellas

Paula Bradley being elected DUP deputy leader - beating Gregory Campbell - is very interesting. She’s pro-gay rights, pro-choice, and not religious. Herself and Pootsy will make a right odd couple.

It’s like someone just asked them what way they’d vote in a border poll


Tele tubbies

Eastwood was born to be someone’s pet dog.

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Wonder if Colum is going to show the same outrage he did with Bobby Storey’s funeral.


Nolan had her on radio yesterday. Played a clip of her steadfastly telling a constituent not to travel to Donegal a mere month ago. He caught out Claire Hanna with an old clip on Friday lovely too. The stoops don’t know if they’re coming or going


Lovely soft focus chat between Pootsy and Stayphen Nolan here on BBC1. Pootsy has a nice, easy manner that makes it hard to dislike him on a personal level. He’s gone fierce grey in the last five years.

Stayphen: “You consider yourself Irish?”

Pootsy: “Born on the island of Ireland - of course…”

Has he any sporting interest ???

The Most Reverend Doctor McKenna Cup, as far as I know.

Nolan is toxic for creating division. Jim Allister seems to be on more than any other guest. Item yesterday on Bobby Storey funeral was frankly ridiculous. “What is going on in this country?”


Shamrock rovers


Dr Paisley gave the same answer on Saturday live on RTÉ when Rhonda was guest host one night.

It’s hilarious. They really do think the region is some important place in the grand scheme of things.

Tim is nothing if not relentless.


Nolan attacks and calls out Dup politicians and Jim the same he does with sf. He has something of a shock jock about him but I wish someone in RTÉ would be as vigorous as him when questioning govt of the day.

The issue is the platform he gives to the same hardliners on a routine basis.

Why has Nolan kept the Bobby Storey funeral in the news for over a year?

Do SF refuse to go on the Nolan show? DUP don’t go on it right? So I guess in the 6 counties, you’re left with few alternatives…

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It’s on recently because of the whitewash report that came out recently. Golfgate down here was news because the people telling us to stay home weren’t following their own advice. Up North MON was telling people stay away from funerals and they do this. It’s not anti sf or a conspiracy to be disgusted by that.

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I agree with this.