The north/really good looking fellas

Yes, good book. I used to hoover up all that material.

Woohoo, the progressive candidate sets out his stall.

I can’t wait until the debates. It’d be box office to see Stayvan Nolan ask Pootsy does he think dinosaurs ever existed.

Jeffrey is the definitely the most dangerous beast in this rate.

Cad a iontas

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"In October 1980 loyalist gunmen opened fire at his Downfine Gardens home, killing him and another INLA man, Noel Little. "

opened fire AT his Downfine Gardens home… is completely misleading. They burst into the house at night. Knew the exact layout of the home and assassinated Bunting and Little. It’s believed that the gunmen were BA assassins.


What else would you expect from The Newsletter?


100 pc crown force’s

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No surprise actually

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You and the crown, it never ends

The last two times I was in Belfast I got locked up by The Crown.

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Pootsy has it.

They will now drink from the Loving Cup.


Won by 2 votes. Jim Wells served his purpose anyway even if he wasn’t needed - just about

That’s one for the lookalikes thread; Pootsy and the Loving cup

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Any pic of Poots is one for the Roaster thread too

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By the crown pub

This was a choice between Howard Shipman and Fred West. I’m not sure who won though

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And this sums it up




I think Pootsy having a nice smile won it for him.

Donaldson has a terrible case of resting bitch face, and and an even worse personality.

I’m gutted there were no debates, I really am.