The north/really good looking fellas

I interviewed Mike C Nesbitt as part of a thesis I did a few years back. In fairness, he seemed like a nice enough chap at the time. I would not necessarily call him a raging bigot…


You can be unionist and friendly towards your neighbors and still detest the protocol for what it represents. Tarring them all as one is reverse bigotry almost.
From what I’ve seen of Nesbit over the years he is nowhere near a bigot

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Anybody who is considering the likes of Nesbitt as a bigot is the problem.

Nesbitt is a bigot. He might have decorum than the others but fundamentally he is against anything that brings the O6 to a more equal society. He is or was at least against the ILA.

You see Unionism is all on the same page they just have different gears in their hostility and outrage, the UUP do it in 4th gear, the DUP in 5th, Jim with a turbo and the likes of Seamie goes out with his brake cables cut.

The only difference is Nesbitt has a bit more craft in how he uses his words to style himself as a moderate but what policies and stances has he made that shows him different to the bigotry you see from Unionism.

Unionism is built on a protestant ascendancy, it is bigoted by definition.


He’s far from the worst…they did have to get rid of him after all. …fraternising with Catholics or something.

Am I right in saying he put it up to paisley for he equivocating about the murder of the quinn brothers. Nesbitt was hosting a utv/bbc programme…he was aghast that paisley wouldn’t condemn the murders…he might even have shed a tear

I’ve seen it mentioned by Shinners that Jeffrey Donaldson started out working for Enoch Powell, and that this is a problem.

I would agree, it is problematic, as Powell was a vile racist bigot.

But Shinners don’t seem to grasp the knock on implications of it being a problem that Donaldson worked for Powell vis a vis what that means for the problematic nature of their own party.

Yet more Shinner hypocrisy.

Plenty of people down south too who see no need in investing in the Irish language. They would be as hostile towards it as some of the nordys.
I haven’t heard of Linda Irvine on this. Nolan should be speaking to the likes of her.
Recommend the book “Northern Protestants” if not recommended already by Susan McKane. (McKay?)

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I’d like to make it publicly known that I support The Irish Language Act. Gaeilge Abú!

You’d have been better off talking to Rab C Nesbitt

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Sure c’mon up boys. Visit the North. You’ll be made welcome.

The peeler laughing about it say everything.


That certainly seems like a despicable sectarian attack to me and prima facie evidence of the supremacist mindset that still prevades the minds of so many Unionists and Loyalists. It strongly appears to be a hate crime.

At the same time, I’m fascinated by the logic of the insane anti-woke mob on this forum, who, when presented with stories about attacks against racial minorities, ethnic minorities or sexual or gender minorities, immediately default to telling us “there’s no evidence they were targeted because of who they were” (this is not a reference to you, but to other posters, they know who they are).

Yet they would take a different position on this story (a position which would be correct, incidentally, as opposed to their wrong position when non-Irish Catholics get targeted for who they are).

It’s a fascinating cognitive dissonance.

Wouldn’t it be great if it was like this all the time

If only my thread title editing privileges hadn’t been stolen, brutalised and trampled upon

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Hazel Stewart.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy @glenshane

Have you noticed this last week a plethora of stories, particularly in the Belfast Telegraph, about poor Hazel? Is there some sort of drive on to get her conviction overturned.

(Belfast Telegraph stories are behind paywall but here’s a sample from the Irish News. Poor naive Hazel helped Howell murder her husband in their marriage bed and kept shtum for 20 years until Howell confessed!

Headline in today’s Belfast Telegraph …

‘They gave me a hard time because I was a woman and a Christian’: Hazel Stewart on life behind bars

She was in a woman’s prison FFS! and they gave her a hard time because she was a woman?

Some xtian! Collaborated with Howell in the killing of his wife and her husband and kept quiet for 20 years.

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That pair were mental.

Good old Presbyterian victimhood.

They were Baptists.

Just looking at all the articles. Seems to be Alison Morris driving them.