The north/really good looking fellas


And on it goes. The cops had the killers under surveillance. The Army had the target area under surveillance. But a totally innocent 17 yr old is gunned down by loyalists. And the collusion didn’t end there. Failure to arrest\interrogate. Withholding information. Failure to investigate afterrecovery of the murder weapon. Destruction of the murder weapon …


Sammy and Kneel Richmond was great craic on Claire Byrne earlier. Sammy threw in a cracker about the Republic flooding Northern Ireland with horse meat dressed as burgers a few years ago so don’t lecture me on food standards . Poor auld Neale took the bait and dove straight in

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Same old same old

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Still at it look at Noah

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There’s also the Arlene Arkinson one, 15 year old Tyrone girl who disappeared in Bundoran over 25 years ago.

Seems well known who did it, convicted paedophile from Laois who was living up around the area at the time but the family fully believe that he was a British agent and was protected. He died a few years back.

Ruling due today on a public inquiry into the Omagh Bombing.

Begs the questions why are the British govt so reluctant for this to take place and what have they got to hide? No doubt it will be a complete whitewash and will give the families zero closure.

@flattythehurdler might want to pay attention to what is being alleged against the British state here. The Gardai should also come under the scope of any potential inquiry.

How many times after a Loyalist attack. particularly in the Mid Ulster area, did we hear about the area being saturated with security forces for a week beforehand and then just before the attack took place the heavy security presence disappeared.

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Bernadette Devlin was shot with RUC/British soldiers stationed close to her home.

Were they not actually in her front garden?

Quite possibly were.

It’s notable how the British are reluctant to have any sort of inquiry into anything related to The Troubles. Yet @flattythehurdler believes the British state played no role in Omagh at all, despite the fact we have numerous accounts from various sources that Gardai, British Intelligence, RUC had numerous informants and knew information of an attack, when it was happening, the make and reg of the car involved, its movements and actually had the car bugged.

There was zero reason Omagh should have been allowed happen. The Brits had no problem having van loads of SAS men outside Loughgall to gun down IRA members but why they did they allow a city centre bombing go ahead on a busy Saturday when they had all the knowledge to intervene and stop it.

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Occam’s Razor.
The obvious answer is they believed it would deal a death blow to dissident republicanism.

TNH mate.
The gardai had the car bugged. Don’t be fcuking ridiculous.

Par for the course. Same for the Sean Graham massacre

Why do the British govt not want a public inquiry into this?

You have stated clearly above that you think the gardai had a bug in the bomb car. I’m calling that out as a lie.

What sources? Where is the evidence the car was bugged?

Have a read. You seem very quick to dismiss any of the accounts that are in the public domain of Gardai, RUC and British Intelligence and significant prior information they had to the bombing.

Why are you so quick to dismiss this? Why are the families so eager to have this investigated and why are the British govt so unwilling to engage with them?

Any chance you can copy and paste this?