The north/really good looking fellas

Look at the cowardly cunt in the video

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Fuckin disgrace

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About time

Would a border poll be interesting now? What would be the opinion north versus south on the handling of Covid? How about the respective economies?

This lady who helped disarm Michael Stone at the door of Stormont has died

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Did Stone piss himself there? His pants are soaking.

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:rofl: didn’t spot that!

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Barring he has an unmerciful big langer, Unlikely ?


Stone washed jeans.


The TV footage of that bun worry was very strange. It was obvious that stone was making no real attempt to break free and all three protagonists found themselves indulging in a bit of amateur dramatic nonsense. The most bizarre bit was when stone was lying on his back. Conscious that she should look busy for rhe cameras, Sue lifted stone’s feet to about her waist level and then turned/slid him around 180 degrees so that they pointed in the opposite direction. I think she glanced at the camera and gave her nose a wipe before carrying on with the restraining. I’d say the bomb disposal experts rolled their eyes a little

In his defence stone claimed that it was all a piece of performance art. I believe him, based on the above.

It’s a fuckin GRAMMAR SCHOOL you twats!

“Parents of pupils at Ballyclare High School have contacted the Belfast Telegraph claiming the decision “smacks of discrimination on the grounds of academic ability”.”

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Wasn’t sure what thread to post this in. No loyalists commenting. They’re just not active on social media in any numbers at all bar a handful.

Moore Holmes would make a good Minister for Housing.


Would anyone even care?
I’d quite like the DUP to collapse Stormont just because it would be funny to see FFG try and blame it on SF.


Look over there it’s Fine Gael.

The DUP might. There was a poll recently that, if I remember right, had the UUP ahead of the DUP withthe TUV very close to them. That’s what’s behind Jeffrey talking tough. His problem is that if he pulls the plug there’ll be an election in which the DUP might fare very badly AND leave SF as the biggest individual party which would mean a Shinner First Minister.
Jeffrey and the DUP are between a rock and a hard place here. He’ll need to play his cards very carefully.

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