The north/really good looking fellas

PUP identify as left wing.

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He’s some gobshite.


For €350 a week I could identify as anything you like


It’s not 350quid anymore mate. That’s long gone.

Just give my quip a like and stop over thinking

Billy Hutchinson waffling on here on Crawley earlier


Him Coveney and Leo the langer

Stoops and stoops unite

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I don’t get this. It’s just pure badness. There is a time and a place.

Remembrance Day: ‘Grossly offensive’ Enniskillen war memorial posters removed and treated as hate incident -

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I bet Nolan won’t dare ask Jim about his continued support for Tweed.


I’ve decided that the country can never re-unite and know peace with the current generation of unionist leaders. It’s not even their unionism, just there all round hardcore ignorance, bigotry, crassness, and utter stupidity.
We may as well shelve a border poll for a generation.
It is depressing


Shelving it will only encourage their


They’re dying out though. The next assembly election is going to be really interesting, there will have been huge demographic changes.

You’d hope so, but the infection they must spread :confused:

What the unionists don’t like is democracy, that’s why they’re running scared. They don’t have control of Stormont anymore, they don’t have a UK govt or intelligence agency to cover for them. They’ve lost, the game is up. Every election held its going to get worse than them. All they have is intransigence and their threats and screaming should be given short shrift. They can either engage democratically or fuck off.

What you need to know about loyalism is that they don’t like sacrifice, when they threatened hunger strikes in the Maze they found Mars bars under their pillows. They don’t have immunity to get away with heinous crimes any more.

Every time I think theyve hit the bottom, they find a new depth to plumb

That’s loyalism.

A good analogy is Sean Quinn, he lost, he’s not getting his business back, he’s discredited and people see him for what he is. Loyalism/unionism can point the finger everywhere else, their grasp of power is gone, it’s not the 1960s anymore, they’re going to get a hiding in the democratic elections coming up and are going to do everything to throw things upside down but they ain’t got no cards to play so things will move on without them, they will completely alienate any progressive or moderate on that side of the divide.

And for the record Doug Beattie is not a progressive or moderate, he’s the archetypal unionist bigot and the mask will slip when the situation comes to a head. There’s been huge demographic changes now, the fenians are outbreeding them at an enormous rate. I’m told East Belfast has an ever increasing nationalist population, be a few interesting constituencies next time out.