The north/really good looking fellas

No he played tbe invisible flute from memory- might be wrong

Of all the towns on this island, Letterkenny has probably impressed me the most. Both in terms of the friendliness of its populace, and it’s approach to trade. The fact it’s far cleaner and brighter than most Irish towns helps.

There’s a sense of purpose about Letterkenny that I like.


Lovely little comic book and collectible store there in that square, Endgame I think its called.

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No surrender

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covid party



Lord Kilclooney is a big fan. He suggested swapping South Armagh “for somewhere nice like Letterkenny”.


Great town minus the rally weekend

I’d imagine that every weekend is rally weekend in Donegal


I always used think his Twitter account was a parody, but apparently it’s the real thing :rofl:

Got that right

I remember him saying exactly that on questions and answers one Monday night

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Is he handing out yolks??

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Handing out yolks to yolks

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That actually makes sense. Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Donner, Cupid, Comet, Blitzen. Santa was obviously a raver, all the reindeers are pill names

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No word from you on the below, what a surprise

They were jailed do your homework bud
Google Michael Burke Hollyhill Cork
12 years Portlaoise
He’s only one - now wake up man do the minimum research before shooting wild

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PS I’m not SF