The north/really good looking fellas

Never said that.

Once again, Mary Poppins wants to misrepresent others so she act all sancitmonious and uppity.

You certainly seemed to imply it. Anyway that’s me done for the day on this, im off out to meet some of the more tolerant members of our society.

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Did you ever answer the question?

Did the Nazis have good men? I’m sure they must have if the RUC had.

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  • You’re a Republican who hates Unionist.

  • You’re anti-vax who uses the Queens graphs to back up your position.

You are a serial liar.


He’s some prick

Or worse gave them pointed at your small innocent kids which ALWAYS happened in Creggan, the cowardly cunts used the kids( mine included) coming out of the Holy child ps as cover on Central drive

When speaking to non republican free state ppl you must realise they haven’t got a fuckin glimmer of what living in occupied 6 counties was like for ALL
Different world at one time

Nothing worse than Nordie’s with a chip on their shoulders.



I think everybody here respects you for your role in the troubles, and believes you.
But some mammies boy social outcast with a chip on his shoulder who never lifted his finger except to type on a keyboard doesn’t deserve a rapt audience


Oooh there’s Mary Poppins trying to act the hard chaw again.

No doubt you’ll be rolling around trying to act a victim again in no length when your nastiness gets called out.


Ah bless, the old stock reply😀

You never did nothing you useless prick, bar spend scores of hours a week typing hateful bullshit on tje internet

Us Free staters do not know what it was like :joy:, mammies boy knows it all


An accurate response. Mary Poppins well able to dish out it but rolling over the ground crying about posters saying things about you, not only that put actually drawing arms and legs and lying about the things said about you.

Sensitive little twerp.

An awful upper class retort

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Lovely, not even a retort,

You never did a thing to help your ‘community’ :smiley:

But keep banging away on the keyboard there for 16 hours a day and you’ll get the respect you so much deserve.

We’ve both done the exact same in the ‘troubles’ :joy: absolutely fuck all, I’ve read a couple of books as well :+1:

You’re an embarrassment with that shite talk earlier, a useless cunt with a chip on his shoulder and all the time in the world


Well let’s be clear, you don’t handle your bullshit being challenged.

So much so that when it’s happened in that past you took to making false allegations against @gaillimhmick, claiming he called you a paedo when he did nothing of the sort.

I’d have a grave problem with someone so dishonest and willing to make serious allegations being in charge of a classroom of kids. You don’t seem to be have much maturity of discipline when you’re questioned.

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Calling for help :joy::joy:
Busted flush, useless cunt. You were thrilled when that fool called me an endorser of paedophiles, because you live that low shit, plenty more examples of that today

Useless prick with all the time in the world to post on the internet :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Good luck now :+1:

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Not calling for help. Just pointing that when you’re challenged you resort to fabricating serious allegations against posters. It’s not very mature and makes you seem a bit unhinged behind all those emojis.

I never fabricated anything🤣

That clown said I endorsed paedophiles, the evidence is there for all to see.

But you’re clearly a useless prick, a beaten docket engaging in serious whataboutery :smiley::smiley:

Why don’t you tell us about your freedom fighter days?
Because you were hanging around with your mammy, that’s why :joy:

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Oh you did. You said @gaillimhmick called you a paedophile when he never said anything of the sort.

Why you felt the need to fabricate such a serious allegation when it never happened is concerning. Why you feel the need to keep denying it is even more telling.

You’ll find that I withdrew that and amended it

I don’t think it’s much better to be an endorser of paedophiles to be honest

Is that what you’re hanging your hat on here :rofl: