The north/really good looking fellas

Deary me

So you did make it?

No, I never accused him of calling me a Paedophile on reflection, since you want to be pedantic

He said I endorsed paedophiles and I called him out that but like you he’s nothing but a snake and he’s happy to stand over it. And you are happy to stand over him standing over it, which says all I need to know about you

You did.

You denied it, then admitted to it before claiming you retracted it before denying it again. You seem to be very loose and reckless with your claims.

Nope, I never accused him of calling me a paedophile, I was mistaken before, now I’m sure.

He accused me of endorsing paedophiles, much to your delight obviously, because you’re a nasty cunt who’d love that type of shit,
To think that you’re arguing the toss over it now says it all :joy:

Yes and you fabricated an allegation against him for calling you a paedophile.

Your consistent lies on this are incredible.

Why would you have an issue with anyone joining the PSNI? Genuine question.

I take from this that you also think there were no good Catholic clergy in Ireland from the inception of Dev’s Republic?

Legacy issues on how they are still covering up past crimes

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I am putting on record now that you never accused him of calling me a paedophile, you are being very pedantic about this.
He accused me of endorsing paedophiles, and that’s what I asked for him to clarify, which he never did.

Now you want to make a big deal out of here in a completely unrelated thread, a clear cry for support.

You were obviously thrilled that he said that about me, you seem to bring it up all the time, at one stage you even tried to explain it :grinning:

God you’re a useless man, and I’m an idiot to engage with you but you’re telling lies and resurrecting very nasty allegations made against me, all because you have nothing relevant to respond with.

What was your part in the conflict?

You’re Catholic right? So, because of A LOT of Catholic priests child abusing, you have no problem going to mass etc?

You accused @gaillimhmick of calling you a paedophile when he never said anything if the sort. You fabricated the allegation as you don’t like your bullshit being challenged.

There is a police force in NI which can only be shaped by those from within. If Catholics and Nationalists refuse to join, it will simply become the RUC mark 2.

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But I don’t think it wants to change. Look at when we found out in the past week re The Miami Showband. This is the type of reason nationalists distrust it. The same with the UVF walking past PSNI officers untroubled and a day or two later, relatives of victims of a loyalist gun attack lifted for laying a wreath at the site.

Well it won’t want to change if it’s only staffed by folk with blinkers.

Free Staters this, Free Staters that. You’d swear nobody down South ever suffered at the hands of the Crown Forces, or the Tans, or the Auxies, or the Essex or the whole fucking lot of them?

“I remember the Troubles” :rollseyes: Some fuckin memory you must have!

With all his talk his own countymen stand for God Save The Queen. The Loughgall Martyrs must wonder what they died for. The next generation they died for standing for God Save The Queen.

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Background noise for many I’d say, and I think that’s a positive.

You’re dangerous. Just stop trolling me now please.

He’s a sanctimonious cark fucker, but he’s neither a liar nor a coward.