The north/really good looking fellas

Lads how is our Elsie doing?

Soft Unionism/Nationalism not performing well yet again! Doug Beattie tried something different but clearly hasn’t worked. He was progressive in his thinking but too soft for Unionists and Alliance more attractive for those in the middle ground.


Yeah, they’ve taken over 60% of the vote there and divvied it out well. GAVAN Reilly tweeted about SF’s vote management working well elsewhere too, such as Michelle O’Neill, Linda Dillon and Emma Sheerin all being in or around the same amount to ensure they get the 3 seats. On the other hand, Sir Jefferey accumulated over 12k votes in Lagan Valley in a Willie O’Deaesque manner and his running mate Paul Givan, erstwhile First Minister, is lagging/lagan way behind.


Givan givan gone?

Journalist on RTE saying Aontu are transferring to DUP

Mickey Hartes ballot would be one I reckon

Brolly will be gutted. He’s been a big Beattie backer going by his recent social media output.

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A lot of counting to go in Upper Bann. Very interesting race. Will come down to a battle between Eoin Tennnyson (Alliance) and Doug Beattie for the last seat.

Tennyson is 1,241 ahead.

There are UUP, SDLP and TUV transfers at play.

Vote management here.


If SF can figure out how to do the same level of vote management in the 26 counties they’ll clean up. It’s extremely impressive.

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We’d be missing at least four Green Tds and the likes of Brid Smith/Paul Murphy had they done that level of discipline in 2020.

SF lack of discipline is the reason we can’t burn turf !

Poor Jamie is doubling down here something awful.

SF themselves weren’t expecting the vote the got down here. The issue they have now for the next general election is that they could over compensate and end up splitting their own vote.

Poor Jamie didn’t even vote seemingly.

Jim has been on there with Carruthers. Jim’s crowd (TUV) are likely to have 2 seats he sanguinely informed the viewers. They’ve gotten about 7% of the vote - 65k first preferences - up from 2.8% so he figures they’re on the up. He, through gritted teeth, mused that the Alliance managed to garner 7 or 8 seats the last time out of 7% of the vote. He’s been wronged somewhere in the system he thinks.

He rattles on then about the whole thing being a cod yadda yadda….Fuck Sinn Fein musings….
He everything you’d expect from the likes of him, entitled, bigoted, arrogant, implacable whatever other negative you can muster Jim fits the jersey. An embarrassment is what he is.


Why would Easton not count as a unionist? He’s not Eamonn McCann he’s DUP running as an Indo

Same as that entitled cunt Donaldson earlier. They’ve clearly had a bad election yet he was whining on about the results showing the NI Protocol has to go, when that’s clearly not the case.

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I don’t know. I just linked to it.

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