The north/really good looking fellas

Unionism down a seat. Nationalisms down four.

It’ll be spun as a victory for those wishing for a United ireland however

A swing to the middle

@Rocko if you admit you were wrong about Neil Lennon we could make this thread great today.

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The nationalist parties hit 42.7% of the vote in 2001. It’s been all downhill since then.

Not looking good for SDLP so far.

The turnout figures reported to date are all fairly high.

Alliance tipped to make ground

Few lads ringing Nolan this morning after Sammys comments not happy. Voted for DUP based on their plan to fight price rises, Sammy comes out this morning saying if protocol ain’t gone we ain’t implementing shite !

Sinn Fein vote holding up according to SDLP tally men.

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Something reassuring in a volatile world to tune in to Election NI coverage on BBC One NI to see Mark Carruthers peering over his glasses as he ruminates over the latest count information.


Shinners making no gains, but holding steady, DUP losing votes but to other unionists, and the alliance taking SDLP and Green votes for it’s “surge” seems to be the gist.
A shuffling rather than a revolution.

Be fucking great craic the Shinners being the biggest party though. They’ll fucking melt up there

Good to see the middle ground parties doing well

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The Alliance Bounce


SDLP getting a kicking. I’ve been struck by their constant negative campaigning as far back as the UK general election a couple of years back. When the DUP were doing absolutely mental things over that timeframe Eastwood & the SDLP tended to blame SF even more so than them. I think the voters have rejected that and I don’t think forming links with Fianna Fáil & getting Kneel Richmond & other Fine Gaelers to campaign for them was the best strategy either. A bit of arrogance to Eastwood’s response too. It isn’t his or the SDLP’s fault that their message didn’t resonate with voters, it’s just that people were lending SDLP votes to SF & others & there was nothing he could have done differently.

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Will 3 fenian princesses get returned in mid Ulster?

Doug Beattie looking vulnerable in Upper Bann.

Danny Baker has romped home for SF in West Belfast and they look like they’ll retain all 4 seats there.


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Not much chance of Naomi getting hoisted up on her supporters shoulders in celebration


@Cheasty, do you agree with me that UUP veteran Danny Kennedy is morphing into former President of the IFA* Jim Boyce?

*Irish Football Association, not Irish Farming Association

Four seats in a five seat constituency is some going in fairness. I presume the PBP candidate will pick up the last seat and that is probably an old Official Sinn Fein vote.

This is wonderful stuff.

Carruthers speaking to camera and Danny shouts across the studio…why aren’t we doing live declarations?

Carruthers leaves what he was talking about and shouts back across…we only tend to do that for Westminster…there’s 89/90 seats to fill here under this system…some of the declarations take a long time & the announcements on stage can take a while…we record them & play back the key ones.

Danny pipes back…ach the declarations add to the drama and make for a better show.

Okay Danny we’ll take your feedback on board.

You can’t be blaming the count officers Mark!

Thanks Danny…but we need to hear from Tara in Foyle…Tara!


How are things looking for Jim and the TUV?

Donaldson with a big whinge about the Irish Sea border again here.
