The north/really good looking fellas

Does a lot of that assume they’re starting from same point though?
Here’s an interesting one from that
12 of the 20 most deprived wards assessed on Education, Skills and Training are predominantly protestant.

Indeed, education was back in the news yesterday with the revelation that 26 of the worst 30 wards for school pupil absenteeism are predominantly protestant, and this theme of educational underachievement and low attainment formed the basis of an excellent piece of research conducted by controlled sector educationalists, academics and some political figures, including Dawn Purvis, entitled Educational Underachievement and the Protestant Working Class: A Summary of Research for Consultation.

From the outside looking in, you’d have to say that the narrative that is spun by the DUP/TUV and Loyalist culture in general contributes massively to this sort of stuff.

The overriding culture of “we’re losing because we no longer have hegemony” is a self fulfilling prophecy that breeds a bizarre mindset of triumphalism and yet deep self loathing.

It’s like the mindset is “we’re being sold out, so why even try?”

It’s like the whole culture secretly desires to achieve downtrodden status from a previous position of hegemony.

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Its all Amber Heards fault

That’ll stick in the cunts craws a bit


There was applause that lasted about a minute before the start when it was mentioned over the tannoy as well.

Good atmosphere at the game, I like the Athletic ground. Tyrone were shocking.


Another one bites the dust…


Not whataboutery as I want nothing to do with any of the sectarian lot up there.

Darren Addidle Adieu.

Theres a particular type of gobshite that manages to look down his nose at everyone

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Sure look it, Glenshane was the poster who called for a war of extermination against Protestants.

John McAreavey is as much a product of that rotten NI culture as anyone given he supported Barry McElduff when McElduff made fun of the Kingsmills victims.

I don’t want anything with people who behave like that. :man_shrugging:

I’m well aware that the south has these types too but we don’t need anymore of them. They represent a disproportionate number of people up there. Maybe 40% if we take a discount of the vote for the odious political parties up there given many don’t bother to vote.

It won’t be said but it makes sense for Unionists to not clean up the culture problem, why certain nationalists ignore it is strange. I think they overestimate the emotional pull of a 32 county Republic. Give them a period of Sinn Féin government down south and they might start to question why they want more people who think it’s funny to sing about a kit man with cancer from Glasgow.

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He’s a cager a dirty cager his name is @iron_mike

He’s fake in the Ra
He’s fake in the Greens
It’s all for shits and giggles
The only thing thats true of him
Is his love for FC Biggles


It’s beyond disgusting and comprehension down here for most
Doesn’t change anything
Similar stuff happening day and daily
Dealing with dumb animals

still revered on Leeside thankfully

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I’m not sure that singing an offensive song is a hate crime. People need to get a grip or society is going to become more and more precarious.

I assume there’ll be footage released on the back of this of Catholics engaging in similar tasteless activity? Or is it beneath them?

Anyway, no harm if it puts the brakes on disgusting stuff like that, silly boys and girls, harsh lesson

Already has been.