The north/really good looking fellas

Sinn Fein condemning the ‘up the ra’ chants would make absolutely no difference to Unionists, the only ones who are eagerly hoping for SF to do that are the lunatics involved in Saoradh. If you want something to happen that grows support for Saoradh you have no interest in peace in the North, but instead just looking for an opportunity to kick SF.


The typical cowards response. SF don’t “condemn” this chants, they lead the line on them. It’s “move on” one minute, the next it’s sneaking a positive chant about them.

“It won’t make a difference to Unionists”- another horseshit line. You want credit for condemning one thing but want to sweep sweep this one away.

The classic double speak.

If Declan Kearney was actually a decent man and wanted reconciliation and a UI, he’d be out condemning it. We all know why he isn’t. With regard to him, I note in 2006 he made a speech talking about the “electoral” damage of the murder of Robert McCartney.

The concern was that in the game of headcount politics, SF could lose out. You described him as the below.

There is nothing progressive by staying in an organisation where dozens of members claimed to be in the toilet during a murder. A few years later Kearney was apart of the SF group protesting the arrest of Padraic Wilson. He is the same as the rest of them.

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He’s just giving an opinion, like people do all day long on the radio,

I don’t understand the last line, isn’t it just a question of teaching history?

Everyone is just using

Paul Quinn
Robert McCartney
Jean McConville
Austin Stack
Jerry McCabe

Always the same. We all need to “move on”.

“Up the Ra” though

Of course the old IRA murdered people and the whole history of 1916-1923 is grubby and dirty as fuck, but they were fighting a winnable war because they had the support of enough of the people to win it, or force the Brits to a negotiating position where they got most of what they wanted, which amounts to the same as winning it.

The PIRA in the North categorically did not. Northern Ireland was an internationally recognised part of the UK, a hefty majority of the people in Northern Ireland wanted to be part of the UK, and nothing was ever going to change that, especially a murder campaign.

Everything that was achieved in the Good Friday Agreement and probably more could and would have been achieved decades earlier through non-violence.

The old IRA’s war lasted two and a half years. The PIRA’s war lasted nearly 30 years.

Sinn Fein now castigate the Real IRA, the Continuity IRA and whoever you’re having yourself as enemies of Ireland. That’s hilarious. Sinn Fein spent nearly 30 years on a murder campaign that achieved precisely nothing.

Then when they finally came to realise it was achieving nothing except human misery they stopped and sold out (and we should all be thankful they did sell out).

But to then castigate those who carried on is the grossest hypocrisy.

If Sinn Fein want to airbrush and Disney-fy their part in history, shouldn’t they clarify whether they want to airbrush the present of dissos too? It would be deeply hypocritical not to do so, because the dissos are not doing anything worse than Sinn Fein did, and they’re much prolific at it.

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Most of what you have put forward there displays complete ignorance on matters up here, I’m not sure if it’s deliberate or not. I think the very fact you have to regularly go back to a brutal murder 17 years ago, where those present acted in a hugely cowardly way, to have a go at Sinn Fein is example enough of how SF have taken a progressive approach.
You have to remember that one of the most common reasons Unionists up here will have a go at the South is for sending condolences to Germany following Hitlers death. Is it cowardly to be part of FF due to that act?

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Tim likes his political parties to be more white collar crims than the vulgar stuff of the working class.

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Not in the slightest.

You wanted credit for him doing one thing, but dismissing another thing as “pointless”.

This is the classic double speak.

Your last paragraph is hilarious - “a murder 17 years ago”, are you for real? You say we don’t have a clue about up here- we actually inhabit the same island and their sewer infects here too. Murder is murder everywhere, you calling them progressive for it being that long ago is laughable.

These mutants set back the country decades.

There’s been plenty of political parties who represent the Working Class in the south. I don’t recall the entire branch of People before Profit claiming to be in the toilet during a murder.

It seems that the kind of country you want.

I’ll take a good honest murder over the type of politics that bails out European bondholders over its own people. The kind of neo liberal policies you advocate have destroyed countless lives - a whole generation of grandparents only seeing their grandchildren on WhatsApp… But look over there, it’s Sinn Fein…

Yes the SF who voted in favour of the bank guarantee,

So you therefore support both that and murder.

Warped priorities to be sure, but you are the man who puts a bit of sun over his children’s future.

SF opposed the increase in corporation tax. Neo-liberal indeed.

How many Irish were scalded on Bondi beach because of you?

You have cancer on your hands.

They made that decision for themselves. Our country affords people the opportunity to learn a foreign language in school and they could just as easily headed off to somewhere in Europe with good economic opportunities. It’s not my fault that some people can’t learn a bit of German when they have Freedom of Movement. The only place those people will consider is Spain with an expat community.

The food is shit in Germany.

Who are you kidding, we all know where you’ll be

Doesn’t exist in Sotogrande.

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Lovely, I’ll get my EPL fix in :clap::clap::clap:

I am for real, it really was 17 years ago. I see you list the murder of Jean McConville as well - another dreadful episode but it was 50 years ago - it happened as close to the Dunmanway massacre as it did the present day.
SF got neither my first or 2nd preference up here in the most recent assembly election because there is lots of things they do that are idiotic, I highlighted one of them here just last week. I also agree with a view I think you hold that a reduction in their prominence will expedite a UI. However it is a fact undisputed by most that the republican movement has far more progressive leadership than the loyalist movement, and the impact of that is now being seen daily up here.

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