The north/really good looking fellas

That’s the grandparents who emigrated to Spain for a bit of winter sun is it?

We can’t be responsible for their I’m all right Jack approach to life.

Monday, August 1, 2022, will stand as a landmark day in my life just as much as August 1, 2017, when the sewer rats of Irish journalism set out to destroy me but, as the later day duly attested, would utterly fail. Sooner or later, something will kill me, but it will not be that tawdry mob of cowards, none of whom bothered to attend the funeral of one of the greatest Irishmen of the 20th century. However, their turn will come to be judged at the bar of history, and by God, I look forward to writing their epitaphs, once the smirking hangman has emerged from beneath the trapdoor, having tugged on their twitching heels….

Comedy gold in fairness, Myersey must have been one of the first lads to be cancelled

Tim thinks kids should choose a language in school at 13 because their government should and could choose to protect the interests of big business/ money over their citizens. Kids should learn German and the likes because they are not guaranteed a future in their own country. I presume he’s only talking about your average child here and not those privately educated. There will always be a place for them here.

I don’t care about Loyalist leadership, classic whataboutery. The middle ground need to be convinced and that is not the through the actions of PSF and their “cultural” events.

I merely mentioned Jean McConville as a high profile example of where PSF claim it is unfair. To be clear, what happened with McCartney post peace process should have seen PSF go the way of the Dodo.

The assertion that “PSF are better than what would be there is nonsense”. PSF were losers at the polls before they “gave up” violence. Their fighting forces by the mid 1990s was limited with recruitment in the toilet.

Their core reason to exist is for the older lads to go to their death beds thinking that people view them like the men of 1916. That’s the name of the game, play act over “moving on” whilst hammering away at the notion that the Troubles were bad.

People who give any of them an airing as “progressive” are part of the problem.

All I said was the Irish who fled to Australia can’t blame the government for being far away. There was an easy stabiliser for employment in the form of Germany in 2010 but the sun and drink of Bondi was preferable. That’s a choice people made, like you putting the sun ahead of your children’s future.

To be fair. if you were a tradesman in 2010 with no German, it would have been pretty difficult to get a job in Germany?

What would ye rate as best republican tune? Sam song for me.

McIlhatton, Arthur McBride if they are republican songs. McIlhatton would be I suppose as B Sands wrote it.

Well said Ms Murphy!!!

The laundry list of British atrocities in order to justify Up The Ra.

You’ll all go to your death beds scratching your head as to why you didn’t get the 6 counties back.

Will take another generation of breeding for the light switch to go off I think.

Well said


Another generation of breeding and we’ll be 65% majority…

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Ah it wouldn’t be really. My oul fella worked in Germany in the 80s and he barely speaks English nevermind German.


Not anymore, you’ve driven the Church from this country. Nationalist parties aren’t hoovering up the non religious votes.

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Fucking brilliant. It’s like Father Ted’s speech when he got the golden cleric. Crazy, dangerous cunt.


Myers would have very similar opinions to a lot of self styled “anti-woke” posters here?

Protestant funerals are infinitely superior to those of Catholics, who at best half-heartedly bleat their way through hymns but more usually imitate constipated goldfish trying to have a shit.


That’s a brilliant line to be fair, one of your best.

Spot on. Only problem is there aren’t half enough of them.


Sorry…couldn’t rrsist.
Youre absolutely right i once attended a protestant funeral where they had brought in two grand pianos to accompany the organ and salvation army band. Twould nearly frighten you so it would.